
Monday 11 December 2017

Ten Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started... Part Three

Yesterday I shared points 4-6 with you regarding the 10 things I wish I knew before I started...
If you missed those, here's a brief rundown:
1. You can only get so far on your own
2. Work with like minded people
3. 20% learning time, 80% implementation
4. Systems work, people fail
5. How funding and investment really works
6. Start as an "affiliate" and then build your own business
And today I'd like to continue with these points for you...
Because this next one is VERY important!
7. Find a mentor and join a mastermind
Why do people who buy the same system or franchise get different results?
Some quit, some make money and others go on on to make hundreds of thousands!
The difference is really this.
Those that made money continued to learn and add to their business...
They didn't quit!
And when you do this - constantly adding to your business - it means that systems, processes and the consistency adds up.
Soon you're not emailing 100 people, you're emailing 1000.
Your marketing budget isn't $500. It's $5,000!
It all adds up and it compounds... and this is where the BIG numbers are made.

But to do this, you need a mentor. Someone who's been there and done it. Someone that's made ALL of the mistakes before you!
Someone that's in the trenches right now as well - making it work today.
Not someone that used to do it and now talks and teaches!
They will be out of touch with what's working - TODAY...
You want someone that's using that specific technique right now.
And a mastermind will help with this as well.
Your very own board of directors to go to and ask questions.
Like how to scale a business from 10k - 20k per month.
The bottlenecks you might experience, the technical tools and the software that you really need to be using right now.
All of these questions can save you months and hundreds of thousands in tests you don't need to do.
And it's important that you KNOW this from the outset.

8. Set Goals - constantly
One of the things that I didn't do when I first started was to continually set goals.
I do it now, because of some advice I was given and also because of experiences that I've had...
But when I first started my goal was just to make money.
Nothing else beyond that, so when I achieved my initial goal, I very quickly had surplus money...
And guess what?
I went through it!
Which is why, I learned, it is so important to plan ahead...
To have goals beyond the initial goal of just making money and maybe
replacing a salary. It's WAY bigger than this.

That's probably enough for you to think about today...
I'll bring you the final 2 points tomorrow.
Have a great day and talk soon,


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