
Wednesday 6 December 2017

Ten Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started… Part One

Over the next few days I'm going to be sharing a few insights into what I've learnt about Internet Marketing
And what I really wish I knew in advance!
1. You can only get so far on your own
Today, we teach new students about outsourcing before they really need to know it...

And that's because without understanding or using outsourcing you will end up doing everything yourself..
In a way, doing everything yourself, for a little while, is ok. You get to learn a lot…

HOWEVER , outsourcing, as a concept will save you so much time.
It also introduces you to scaling and leverage, because if you’re not doing it then it means I can time to devote elsewhere...
Like on income producing activities.

2. Work with like minded people
This is a BIG one...
Because who you surround yourself with will have an enormous impact on your thoughts, your mindset and income!
As an example, if you only surround yourself with millionaires it would be inevitable that you would become a millionaire.
No matter what your background or starting point...
Their thoughts, the winning attitude and mindset would have an effect... and you would win!
Conversely, if you surround yourself with people struggling for money you get dragged down.
You don't take risks. You do things not to lose, rather than doing them to win!
Which is why you should spend as much time as possible with successful, positive people.

3. 20% learning time, 80% implementation
When I first started my business I spent too much time learning. I thought I need to know more and I kept thinking this...
Whereas in fact if you learn TOO MUCH, you stall. You reach a point of information overload, and nothing happens!
I see it all too often - people buying products, only to buy the next shiny object and then the next one.
It gets you nowhere - FAST!
Which is why the system teaches students to learn - implement, learn and then implement.
Start with the basics, get it done. Learn some more, add that...
Even a fast track where you can put the learning in the background!

That's all for today...
I'll be bringing you the next points tomorrow.
Talk soon,


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