
Monday 4 December 2017

Do You Have Driving Ambition

My son Harvey had his mate over to the house last night. Simon is a little older than him and nearly old enough to drive.

He told me he was going to pass his Driving Test so he could borrow his Dad's car.

I thought it was interesting that he didn't say...

"I'm going to TRY passing my test"


"I'm going to SEE IF I CAN pass my test"


"I'm going to HAVE A GO at passing my test"

In fact, he had clearly decided that passing his test was absolutely going to happen. Maybe not the first time, but pass it he will!

It was like that for me and I'm pretty sure it was like that for you!

I love it when that happens.

When you REALLY want something... you just COMMIT. Whatever obstacles or bumps in the road, you keep going until you get what you want.

It’s the same for anything you want…

If you REALLY want to create a laptop lifestyle... earn money in your sleep and enjoy the money and time freedom you deserve…

You REALLY can do this!

See you on the inside.

Andrew Brown

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