
Friday 15 December 2017

Design your ideal business BEFORE you start

Ten Things I Wish I Knew  Before I Started… Part Four

We've had some great feedback from the series of emails
I've been sending over the last 3 days...
2 common questions - can you send me the previous points?
Yes, we’ll upload ALL of these.
And, how do I get started with your system?

And now for the final 2 points that I promised you.

9. Design your ideal business BEFORE you start
This is an interesting one, because it's something that came naturally to me when I first started...
There were things that I did NOT want to do in my business.
As an example, in my previous job I was on the phone pretty much ALL day.
So when I started online, I made sure that I would never have to answer the phone or even make calls!
To this day, I don't do it.
But then, I didn't keep going with this strategy.
It was only years later that I figured this out.
When I found myself doing too many tasks in my business.
I was spending too many hours just staring at my laptop! I'd lost focus of why I'd come online in the first place.
To make money and also to have a lifestyle business!
So, to quote Stephen Covey from his famous book The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People… “Begin with the end in mind”... and design your ideal day.

10. Choose the right business model for YOU
It is possible to make money from a lot of business models...
Monthly memberships and recurring payments, mid ticket,
high ticket items, events, webinars... There are plenty of options!
And at the time, each of these were correct for me.
If you have access to large volumes of targeted traffic, then I
would create lots of monthly paying members...
And build monthly income.
If you can build a significant database of buyers, I would run webinars and events.
And right now, with the ever increasing cost of marketing, you need to consider promoting HIGH ticket income streams.
Because it takes JUST 1 sale to make a difference.
As an example, it is extremely possible to earn $2k, $5k or even $10k in commissions from one HIGH ticket sale.
It's more profit and it's also more marketing budget.
Compare that to a $100 or $200 sale and you'll soon see why we encourage students to have HIGH ticket income streams.
Something that I wish I knew when I first started online!

I hope you've enjoyed this series of emails.
If you missed any, I'll get them uploaded for you asap so you can catch up...
Talk soon,


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