
Tuesday 8 August 2017

Seven Tips For Using Twitter As A Marketing Tool

When people mention Twitter the first thing that springs to mind is it's just another social media site, which of course it is - however if used in the right way, it can also be a great tool with which to market your online business.
Twitter is the third most used social media site in the world today, only losing out to Facebook and YouTube, but with 310 Million estimated unique Monthly Visitors it's not a website you can afford to ignore.
The great thing is like most social media sites, Twitter is free.
FREE is always great for any kind of marketing tool!
So if you are not signed up yet then get over to and set yourself up with a profile.
Believe me it's worth it just to tap into this vast community of potential customers.
So What Do We Tweet?
Well when you use Twitter as a marketing tool, you can use it to deliver all kinds of relevant information that you can use to help promote your business.
So with that in mind, here are my seven top tips on how to use this unbelievably popular social media site as a very effective marketing platform.
1. Links - You can use Twitter to tweet links to your landing pages with the purpose of building your email list.
You can also tweet links to any offers you may be doing and of course let your customers know of any new content you have added by linking back to your website's.
If you are promoting an affiliate product, you can tweet links to these sites also.
2. Use Bitlinks - Because you are limited to 140 characters on Twitter you may want to open an account with Bitlinks
This will give you the ability to reduce long web address to just a few characters thus freeing up valuable space for you to write the important stuff.
It also has the added advantage of giving you valuable diagnostic information on the numbers of clicks on your links etc.
3. Promote Your Blog and Other Content - You can connect your blog feed to Twitter, and this is a great way for you to post information about a new blog post or a webinar you're hosting.
If it's time-sensitive, Twitter can be invaluable.
For example, you can inform your followers of upcoming events, guest blog posts, and new videos posted to YouTube.
This can be useful for "real life" events, too - if there is a seminar you are speaking at or hosting, you can tweet all the information to your followers including where to sign up, as well as the time and the place.
4. Promote Products - If you have your own products or are simply promoting products from your affiliates, you can tweet information about these to you followers.
Also if you can encourage your followers to re-tweet your tweets then your potential reach increases significantly, this can attract a lot of potential customers.
5. Share Good Quality Information - If you are tweeting valuable content and information that is useful and practical to other Twitter users interested in your niche, then this is going to get people to take notice.
This can be a tremendous boost to your name and reputation and can only help you going forward.
Remember your worth is measured by the value you can add to other people.
6. Re-Tweet - When using Twitter remember it is not just about you! follow people in your niche and check their tweets on a regular basis, if they tweet something interesting then re-tweet it to your followers.
This not only gives your greater access to valuable advice and information it also gets you noticed by other Twitter users and increases the chances of these people re-tweeting your content, which in turn helps you to reach a much greater audience.
7. Build Relationships - Just as important as re-tweeting other users tweets is paying attention to those who re-tweet yours.
Never take it for granted when someone helps you to spread the word about your business.
A simple tweet thanking someone for the re-tweet can go a long way to getting you noticed and maybe connecting with a future customer.
What Not to Do
If you want to use Twitter as an effective marketing tool, beware of tweeting "spam." This is just not good for business and will turn potential customers away.
Spam is basically useless or unimportant content. It can be also be advertisements for dubious products and services with no value whatsoever to other people.
Remember we are building a potential customer base so don't think of Twitter as a one-way street.
You want to build a reputation based on trust and the only way to do that is to be honest and ensure that the content you are putting out is genuine good quality information that is useful to your followers.
Also do not forget to be a good listener, and hear what your customers have to say.
It may not always be good, but one way or another it WILL always be useful.

By Darren Russell  |  Source

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