
Tuesday 15 August 2017

Avoid These Mistakes in Your Email Marketing Campaign

If you tend to be a technically minded individual, you may make the mistake of thinking that email marketing is as simple as setting up an automated email address collection system and an automated email sending system. You must find a way to connect with your audience. You must choose your words carefully. You must be careful not to be confused with a spammer. Both automated email filters and people are quick to mark certain wording as spam.
You should become familiar with common email clients in order to avoid getting mistaken for a spammer. You'll note that most email clients today have filters labeled junk, bulk, or spam. You need to become familiar with what keywords trigger these filters. You'll find that exclamation marks and words like "deal", "free", and "buy" in either the sender or subject lines will trigger these filters. Yet, you'll need to be able to convey these meanings in your email marketing campaigns.
Quality writing is another key to a successful marketing campaign. Even more important than quality writing is a quality email list. Purchasing a cheap list of addresses for people who don't want your email is a poor means of establishing a strong business reputation. If you're going to buy a list, you should buy an expensive list that contains only opt-in recipients. These are people interested in receiving your email.
Instead of going for the urgent deal or once in a lifetime opportunity subject lines that work so well in traditional advertising and so poorly in email marketing campaigns, go with meaningful subject lines. Sell the copy of your email instead of a product or deal. You need to get recipients interested in reading the email before you deliver a sales pitch. So tell them about something interesting that they'll discover inside and then deliver it with your sales pitch.
If you're unsure of what is going to get spam filtered and what subject lines people will be interested in reading, try dividing up your email list into groups for experimentation. Send different versions of the email to different groups to see which version gets the best response. Think of it as focus groups for email marketing.
You'll find that the biggest mistake in email marketing is misidentifying recipient demographics. Understand what offers will entice the people likely to be on any given email list based on what enticed them to join the list. In other words, for email marketing success you need to ensure that what you're selling is the type of thing that your readers are typically interested in buying. A failure to accurately identify the interests of an email list make it practically useless. A clear understanding of the wants and needs of the people on an email list will make your email marketing campaign successful.
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By Will D  |  Source

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