
Wednesday 13 September 2017

Turning a Blog Into a Business

Bloggers love blogging. They all want to combine their passion for writing amazing and engaging content in order to earn money for their efforts. Over the previous ten years, they've found a huge number of ways to do this. One thing worth mentioning is that in order to turn a blog into a business, the chosen set of methods should fit in nicely with the intentions and the content on it. There are numerous examples on bloggers who have completely failed at getting their target audience right, and you simply want to avoid that.
One of the most common methods for obtaining your first few dollars is a subscription or paid membership model. It rarely works, mostly because people who browse the Internet don't care about pay for extra content when they can find it for free. The Internet is huge!
If your content is not unique and valuable for your visitors and readers, you might want to consider switching methods to skyrocket your monthly revenue.
Some of the best established methods that work for experienced bloggers include:
* Selling books, shirts, mugs, cups, pretty much any type of merchandise that contain the blog's brand or logo
* Selling products or services from other sources directly via your blog
* Providing ways for readers to give out donations - think Patreon
* Promoting and participating in affiliate programs for PPC opportunities
* Selling ads to showcase other companies on your blog
We'll mention a few of these outstanding methods and explain them further down below:
Affiliate Programs
Affiliate programs work splendidly, because for people looking to buy your banner placeholders, you do the exact same job as Google AdWords. You basically get paid to upload an advertisement for a service or company onto your blog. The difference with affiliate programs is that you don't just get paid for clicks on an advertisement or two, but purchases your visitors made via your ads.
They are very attractive to bloggers because there are thousands of websites (like Amazon and that offer a huge range of items for sale - some of which you can sell via your blog. These websites will then pay you for each sale they made via your blog.
In case your blog has good content, images, logos, pretty much anything printable onto a mug or T-shirt for people to enjoy, you should consider investing money in merchandise you branded with the help of your blog. It's always good to have these types of promotions, because they are not only good for overall engagement with your audience, but for earning yourself some extra money.
The easiest methods of setting up your mini shop is by partnering up with website who specialize in online merchandising. Each merch item you want to be sold will be displayed automatically, with your branding on it, on these customized webpages so that the visitors think as if your site is the one selling your merchandise, not an online vendor. A huge benefit with this method is that your readers can purchase items without you having to do anything. Your single duty is to set up the store. The online service you're cooperating with takes care of the rest.
The most popular on-demand branding services are:
* Branders
* CafePress
* Direct Lines
* Zazzle
Selling Space For Display Ads
This is the classic way of earning money off your blog. Selling advertising space means those who relate to your blog the most will pay you money if you place their ads on your blog. If you have a huge number of incoming traffic, you'll get a lot more inquiries.
This means that your blog needs to have relevant content to the advertiser if you want your blog to be attractive to them. Signing up on Google AdSense, for example, is the most simple way to get some money flowing. But as an established blogger, you might want to look into ad networks.
Ad networks are all similar one to another in terms of how they place ads on your blog. The factor that makes them stand out are when and how much they'll pay you.
The most famous advertising networks you might want to look up are
* Adknowledge
* Clicksor
* CrispAds
* Google AdSense
By Estefania Leon  |  Source

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