
Tuesday 26 September 2017

How my coach taught me to get maximum benefit from Business Books

Have you ever enjoyed reading a great Business Book? Have you been enlightened and educated by someone else’s experience and learnings? Has someone’s story created amazing light bulb moments and epiphanies for you? After reading a great book do you look on your bookshelf many months or years later and struggle to remember what it was all about. Worst still, have you skimmed a book and put it on the shelf with no benefit to you at all?
Here’s what my coach taught me:
A Business Book is not the same as a book you would read for entertainment. It serves no purpose to read an educational book if you don’t learn anything.
How to get maximum benefit from your next read
Keep a pen or pencil handy as you read. When you come across an idea or revelation that really resonates with you, highlight it in the margin. Go back to the marked passages and make a list of the things you have learned or that have changed the way you think.
Create a plan of how you can incorporate these new ideas into your business and home life. Every book you read will have at least a few gems. Add them to your list. Read it and absorb the content every morning. Soon you will be applying your new wisdom and life principles to your daily routines without even having to think about.
As Harry S. Truman said, “not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.”
What Business Book have you read recently? What takeaways did you gain and how are you applying them to your life?
Andrew Brown

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