
Friday 15 September 2017

5 Ways To End Your Blog Posts Like A Boss

I believe the very last paragraph of your blog post is an extremely important one and the main reason why is those last few lines is what will get your readers talking... if you write them the right way, that is.
It's not very hard to make sure you end what you have to say in ways that start a conversation and leave your visitors really wanting to come back. Here are few tips and strategies I've used that have proven extremely effective post finishers (if that's even a word!)
1. There's More...
This is a classic. What you do in this technique is you end your post exactly when your readers are dying to read more.
Because if they want more now, they'll come back when you continue on wherever you left off later, in your next post.
2. End With a Question
This one might require some thinking and understanding of human psychology, but it works like a champ.
When you are done writing, what you have to do is figure out what the hook is, in other words, what the most shocking, controversial, interesting or enigmatic bit of your post is and ask a question around it.
For example, if you've just finished talking about a very effective traffic technique that not many people know about, what you can do is ask the people reading it what their biggest traffic disaster or success was.
Encourage people to post descriptive comments by making sure you avoid yes or no type questions and you'll see awesome interaction on your site.
3. Offer a Bribe for Commenting
If you've been around for any length of time, then you know that what makes me upset is when people beg their readers for comments.
Remember that a comment should be left naturally and voluntarily, so you don't have to write a big long thing about why people need to write something under your post. Just one or two sentences explaining what they'll get for it is great.
4. Encourage Your Readers
Of course, you don't have to restrict yourself to asking people to comment at the end of your posts. Another thing you can do is encourage people to go do something. Anything will do.
It doesn't even have to be anything they do for your benefit. Just tell them to go out and do something that you know will make them feel good or improve their lives.
5. Praise a Reader Publicly
This is the very last thing I'd like to tell you about now.
See, if you have a good following of people and you're cool to them, they'll be in contact with you and they'll tell you about stuff that happens in their lives.
Once in awhile you'll get an email that'll be about someone who did something great or achieved awesome success.
When you get a message like that, go ahead and ask for permission to mention it at the end of your next post. It'll make you look cool to your viewers and will make the author of the email feel incredible.
These are just a few quick ways you can end a post in an awesome way. There are many more, but I didn't want to get the list too long. Why don't you tell me about the coolest way you ended a post?
Wong Chendong delivers the oohs, ahhs, and woes of blogging matters like any man would... rough. He's frank, to the point and likes it raw. He's been where you are and knows for a fact that he can help you.
By Wong Chendong  |  Source

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