
Thursday 7 September 2017

Free Copywriting Tips for Beginners - The Five Pillars of Copywriting

Copywriting is one of the most important skills that you need to learn as an Internet marketer. If you don't have this skill, it'll be very hard for you to promote a product or service. Although there are a lot of copywriters that you can hire to do the task for you, it would be much easier if you know the free copywriting tips for beginners that will help you increase your online sales. Today, I will be showing you some powerful tips for beginners, which will surely help you become one of the best copywriters who can generate thousands of dollars with single web content.
The Five Pillars of Copywriting
The five pillars of copywriting can also be referred to as the five questions to answer when writing your content. It will be much easier to digest these free copywriting tips for beginners by laying down these questions:
1. What are you promoting?
2. Why are you promoting it?
3. Who are you?
4. Why should I believe it?
5. What should I do now?
When writing content, always make sure that you follow these free copywriting tips for beginners, and that your content will answer these questions. Being able to follow these tips for beginners will leave no room for doubts and questions, which may lead your visitors to leave your website while looking for more information. Always remember that you are writing because you are promoting an idea, business, person, product, or service.
What are you promoting?
This is one of the most important of the free copywriting tips for beginners that you need to learn. You need to write web content that clearly shows the entity that you are promoting. By doing so, your readers will have an idea of what the topic is all about, and they will instantly determine whether the one that you are promoting will help them solve their problem or not.
Why are you promoting it?
Letting your readers know why you are promoting something is also one of the most powerful free copywriting tips that you need learn. Give your readers a clear view of the benefits that they can get from what you are promoting. This tip can be achieved by showing the strengths and weaknesses or pros and cons, and the benefits that they can get from it. By doing this, you are virtually preparing your readers to adopt the idea that you are sharing.
Who are you?
Telling your readers who you are is also a very effective free copywriting tip for beginners that you need to follow. Always remember that you want to build trust with your readers so they believe the idea that you are promoting. You can easily follow this free copywriting tip by giving your readers a short paragraph discussing who you are and what you do. You also need to show them why you are credible and capable of promoting such an idea to make it easier for them to believe your content.
Why should I believe it?
Once you gained the trust of your readers, another of the free copywriting tips for beginners that you need to do is to show your readers some key points that builds their trust towards the entity that you are promoting. Giving out a couple of testimonials from previous customers is one of the best examples of this. This will not only lead them to believe your content, but will also convince them that it will really help them solve their problem.
What should I do now?
This free copywriting tips for beginners is commonly referred to as "Call to Action" in the Internet marketing world. Once you have convinced your readers and lead them to believe in what you are promoting, the next and most important tips for beginners that you need to follow is to have a strong call to action. Regardless of how good your copywriting skills are; regardless of how you are following these free copywriting tips for beginners, you will not be able to get the most out of it if your content doesn't have a strong call to action.
By Brent Bouma  |  Source

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