
Saturday 30 September 2017

How to Turn Your Blog Into an eBook

Every time you write a post on your blog, you write great content. You spend time on that content, and it has real value. Why not publish it in a book?
Seth Godin, the master blogger, has published incredible numbers of books using content he previously published in blog posts. Each bit of his blog posts can and does show up in a book at one point or other. Shopping the book store, I flipped through a copy of one book, and realized... I've read all of this before. I bought the book. It was contained between the covers; all that wisdom in one spot.
Then the concept slapped me upside the head and I realized I could have been doing the same thing all these years. Instead of struggling to write a book on the side, I could be publishing my blog content into books. Yay me!
What about you?
Do you have content worthy of recreating into a published book?
Tricia Lott Williford published her blogs into a book - albeit, edited, rewritten, and formatted into a continuum that offered insight into situations like hers - but a book. The concept sprung from writing every day.
In reality, many bloggers have pulled valuable content from their blogs, edited, rewritten, or resculpted their posts and turned them into books. Some writers, such as Krystine Kercher, format blog posts into that specific line of thought and write chapters of their book as blog posts you can read. Then publish the book with all of the chapters, so you have it in one brilliant well-bound presentation. And what a cover!
Even if your blog has an incredible cover, the design of your book cover can improve marketability of your book. Purposeful design is always an option over the random header and blog branding that takes place on your website. Why not improve the brand with a great book cover?
Plot your blog for publication -
There's a secret to writing blog posts for publication, and I'm going to give it to you right here:
  • Have a plan for each blog post.
  • Create an outline and add your blog post to a specific part of the eBook document.
  • Fill up your outline with articles you write on your blog.
  • Submit your document (the one where you post all of your blog posts) to a publishing company online - I use KDP Amazon, to publish my eBooks.
When you sit down to write a blog post, if I've learned anything through the years, from Jeff Herring, the content guy, it's the need to have a plan. Not only should your blog post offer incredible value to the reader, but it should be set up in an organized way so the reader recognizes the value of what they're reading right away. Don't lead readers astray - give them what they need.
Write with intent!
Content marketing is alive and well. You just read some amazing great content, and got enough from it that you're still reading.
By Jan Verhoeff  |  Source

Friday 29 September 2017

Updated: How I Make Up to $4000 a Month Blogging

If you're wondering how bloggers make money - this one is for you! There are a million ways to make money online, but here are some go to methods.

Thursday 28 September 2017

6 Reasons You Need to Be Doing Facebook Live

The buzz around Facebook Live started last year with the talk of 2017 being "the year of the video" and so far it's lived up to the hype. One of the biggest platforms for video is turning out to be Facebook Live and there are several reasons.
1. It's easy!
Doing a FB live video can be as easy or as difficult as you make it. It can be anything from an impromptu comment you would like to make to your followers or a practiced, professionally filmed production happening live, i.e. workshop or conference.
2. Your audience will love seeing the "real" you
Unplanned and unrehearsed live videos let your followers see you are a real person, the actual face behind your brand. It makes you seem more relatable. Take this opportunity to show some personality!
3. Priority posting
FB now has over 1.7 billion, yes BILLION, monthly active users. With Facebook's algorithm gives priority posting to live video this gives you an unrivaled opportunity to reach a wider audience. Your organic reach will be much higher with live video than with regular posts.
4. More traffic
With the ability to reach more users, live video will drive more traffic to your Facebook page than standard video content or regular posts. Facebook said recently that live videos can drive 10 times more comments because of the real time connection with followers.
5. Choice of page, profile, or event
You can "go live" from your personal profile, your FB page, group, or event an event if you responded as going. You will need to have the FB Pages Manager app to stream live from your Page.
6. Lots of ideas to stream live
You can hold Q&A sessions, product demos, live stream an event, live tutorials and workshops, interviews, behind scene looks.
One of the most important things to remember when doing a Facebook live event is to be sure you have a strong WiFi connection or 4G. You want to be sure your viewers can see you!
So you might be thinking you've never seen a live video from me. This is one of those times when I use the phrase my mother used often... Do as I say, not as I do! As I sit here and tell you it's okay to just do a quick impromptu video, I think to myself that no one wants to see me without makeup on! I don't "get made up" on a daily basis. That's just one of the perks from working from home. But you know what? It's really just an excuse. Who really cares, right? So who's with me? I'll show you mine if you show me yours!
By Carol Mikel  |  Source                           

Tuesday 26 September 2017

How my coach taught me to get maximum benefit from Business Books

Have you ever enjoyed reading a great Business Book? Have you been enlightened and educated by someone else’s experience and learnings? Has someone’s story created amazing light bulb moments and epiphanies for you? After reading a great book do you look on your bookshelf many months or years later and struggle to remember what it was all about. Worst still, have you skimmed a book and put it on the shelf with no benefit to you at all?
Here’s what my coach taught me:
A Business Book is not the same as a book you would read for entertainment. It serves no purpose to read an educational book if you don’t learn anything.
How to get maximum benefit from your next read
Keep a pen or pencil handy as you read. When you come across an idea or revelation that really resonates with you, highlight it in the margin. Go back to the marked passages and make a list of the things you have learned or that have changed the way you think.
Create a plan of how you can incorporate these new ideas into your business and home life. Every book you read will have at least a few gems. Add them to your list. Read it and absorb the content every morning. Soon you will be applying your new wisdom and life principles to your daily routines without even having to think about.
As Harry S. Truman said, “not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.”
What Business Book have you read recently? What takeaways did you gain and how are you applying them to your life?
Andrew Brown

Monday 25 September 2017

The 5 Best Business Books To Put More Wonga In Your Wallet

You've heard the saying, "You have to kiss a hundred frogs before you find your prince/princess," right?
Well you'll find exactly the same applies to reading books.
Especially business books.
I've read countless ones that offered about as much value as a copper penny in an Arab prince's wallet.
But there have also been books that have genuinely transformed my business, and therefore my life.
Luckily for you, my friend, you won't need to waste hours and hours reading rubbish, because I'm gonna put on my best chef hat and serve you on a plate, the top 5 books that have helped level up my business.
And, providing you apply what you learn, they'll do the same for you.
1. The 10X Rule (Grant Cardone)
This book will completely change your mindset when it comes to HOW you run your business, as well as the goals you set yourself in both your professional and personal life.
2. Words That Sell (Richard Bayan)
Struggling to come up with words and phrases that trigger your prospects emotions?
Can't think of different words and phrases that make people desperate to take out their credit cards and BUY from you, right there and then?
Then "Words That Sell" is just the book you're looking for.
It's the ultimate copywriting "thesaurus".
3. Crypto Copywriting Secrets (Ben Settle)
Ben's one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to writing copy.
I love the way how he doesn't over-complicate things (like most of the egg-sperts do) and makes it easy for you to implement his teachings.
4. The Boron Letters (Gary Halbert)
Gary's a copywriting LEGEND.
If you've never heard of him, he should be the first guy you study.
He's unfortunately passed away now, but his legacy well and truly lives on... especially in "The Boron Letters".
5. The 4 Hour Work Week (Tim Ferriss)
This book will seriously make you FAR more productive. It'll also show you how to set up a business that you can operate from anywhere in the world.
So there you have it.
Read these books and you'll become a better marketer instantly.
By Tom Andrews  |  Source

Sunday 24 September 2017

How my coach taught me to eliminate procrastination

Do you ever sit staring at your computer screen with glazed eyes? Not knowing where to start or what to do next? Overwhelmed by how much you need to do and surrounded by distractions? You think about starting to do something… then you spot an unopened envelope, a new email, anything to avoid the task at hand. Once you open that email you are lead into a world of further distractions. Then you need a coffee, and a visit to the toilet, a chat on your mobile. Half the day has gone and nothing is done. Strangely, the more you need to do the more you procrastinate and the less you get done!
So, maybe like me you have a ‘To Do’ list. Even though you prioritise and set off on your first task… you immediately get distracted. Someone interrupts or you see an easier task than the one you are trying to work on. Another unproductive, muddle of a day!
Here’s what my coach taught me (yes I have a coach). The answer to eliminating procrastination is as follows:
The Rule Of 632
This simple rule really works. It is six words, followed by three words, followed by two words. And those words are:
Do One Thing At A Time
Do It Right
Finish It
Now that makes common sense. But as we know, common sense is not common practice. Try this… Print the words out on a sheet of A4 and stick it somewhere you can see it clearly from your desk. It really keeps you focused.
My Own Case Study
Yesterday I was preparing my VAT return. A horrible, fiddly job that usually takes me at least seven or eight hours of serious concentration. It has to be correct and it has to be submitted on time. During the day, on at least 20 occasions, my will power failed and I caught myself looking around for something easier to do. Each time I looked up at The Rule Of 632, it reminded me to continue with my VAT return.
Finally the job was done. I sat back and relaxed and looked at the poster one more time. Then I realised the job wasn’t actually finished. The final part of the rule is ‘Finish It’. I attached the spreadsheet to an email and sent it to my Accountant. Job done in five hours instead of eight.
Try it, it works.

By Andrew Brown

Saturday 23 September 2017

Do Animated Videos Help Boosting Website Traffic?

Remember how the internet started off? It was just a web of text documents and almost of us have witnessed the journey of the internet. Things, of course, have changed for the better and the presence of images, audios and videos are a common sight now.
This changing face of internet has heavily affected the marketing strategies and there's a huge demand for fresh, informative, interactive and cutting-edge marketing techniques. And what's better than animated videos?
Animated videos are a powerful tool with a potential to heavily impact the digital marketing world. While it might seem new to the uninitiated, tech giants have been using it for years. Microsoft used animated videos to market MS Office and Windows, along with firms like Apple, eBay and Fujitsu. Google later caught up with the trend and launched an animated campaign in 2012.
Considering how the production cost is low, and also that these are more engaging and visible to the audience, the digital marketing future would be brimming with all sorts of animated videos and it wouldn't be wrong to say that animated videos would function as a major marketing weapon.
Let's see how animated videos can help in increasing website traffic:
Psychological Impact
As many as 60% of visitors would prefer watching videos, given that they are available. A video describing the business's commitment towards its services and promises is more likely to be retained by the viewers. Also, it's a proven fact that people are more intrigued towards videos; people have a tendency to instantly connect with animated illustrations. This is the reason people viewing videos are more 89% more likely to invest in a service or product. In any case, it's more convenient to watch videos than reading text.
Immense Potential
When it comes to animated videos, only your imagination is the limit. This form of media possesses a long-term sustenance. As a generally accepted rule, animated videos are tend to be kept as brief as possible. This is done with a view to retain the customer for the entire video's length, and of course, to keep the production cost low.
All you need to do is to go full throttle on creativity and quality.
Complementing the Brand Image
Of all the available complex channels, digital production is one of the most versatile options for anyone seeking to create a potentially viable animated advertising campaign. Such animations can be seamlessly used to match the company's existing theme or image.
Everything said, online videos are the ultimate source of driving traffic and revenue, and account for more than 90% of the worldwide internet traffic. They are a long-term investment and should be used extensively by small, medium and large brands alike.
By Shabana Gandhi  |  Source

Friday 22 September 2017

Three Essential Online Traffic Generation Methods for Beginners

Everyone hates traffic jams on the road, but not when it comes to websites. Driving traffic to your website is the key component to generate leads and get exposure, but with so many competing websites vying for attention, this process can become quite difficult. For brands that have started doing SEO only recently, traffic generation can be even more cumbersome, especially if they have no past experience with pay per click advertising, social media marketing, or content creation.
We listed our favorite online traffic generation methods for beginners below.
1. Get Your Visitors to Tell Their Friends About You
When starting a website, perhaps the hardest part of all is enticing readers to visit it and engage by posting comments. A good way to drive more traffic to your website is asking your existent visitors to do it for you. Create posts, free "tell a friend" buttons, contests, product giveaways/draws, quizzes, and other such content that can encourage readers to distribute a link to your website on social networks or email.
The more engaging your content is, the more visitors you will get - and you don't even need to be an online marketing or SEO expert to get satisfactory results. Make use of tools and plugins that make link sharing easy and stress-free, as not everyone will be willing to copy and paste URLs (which is a common reason why many don't).
2. Use Email Promotions
One of the most efficient methods to drive qualified traffic is sending email promotions to your list of customer or subscriber emails. People who have signed up for your newsletter, participated in contests or surveys, or left positive reviews about their experience are far more likely to buy your products as compared to someone who has never heard of you before.
Encourage visitors to regularly return to your website by sending them attractive offers via email, such as discounts, coupon codes, notification of a sale or contest, or even free products or services that you are giving away.
3. Invest in Pay per Click Advertising
Pay per click (PPC) advertising has become one of the most popular ways of driving traffic to a website, and it's a recommended option for beginners that haven't yet established themselves as authorities. Google's AdWords pay per click platform is perhaps the most popular, giving website owners the opportunity to get more exposure for specific keyword categories almost instantly.
The best part of all is that your website will show up at the very top of the first result page, which will give you more exposure and a lot more opportunities as well.
As your website gets more traffic from PPC advertising, your popularity will gradually increase, which will improve your organic ranking as well.
Final Word
When it comes to online traffic generation methods, there are countless options that webmasters can choose from. It's important to keep in mind that, while traffic itself can help your website thrive, you should focus on offering visitors a reason to come back to your site in the future. By taking the time to review and further improve your website through actual SEO best practices, you will soon be driving qualified traffic coming from your targeted audience.
By Kraig Milward  |  Source

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Fine-Tuning Writing Skills

When taking on a writing career, while working from home, it is important to fine-tune your skills. The more skillful you are in writing, the more pay you will be able to bring into the household.
Learning New Skills
Learning new skills before applying to writing positions is important. Building a solid foundation of writing skills is important to success. Having the skills prior to applying is much better than working on a project only to find, you do not have the skills needed.
The internet is a valuable tool when learning about English and writing skills. It is amazing to find the amount of valuable information available at your fingertips. If you are new to writing, understanding simple English rules is important. Also, knowing the basics of different types of writing is important.
Before looking for work from home in the writing field, gain some basic knowledge concerning the process. You may feel overwhelmed if you are new to this, and the feeling is normal.
Learn about every angle of writing you possibly can which is doable for your schedule. Start out small and work your way through needed skills to become a valuable employee.
For those who have writing skills, it is still necessary to take the time to upgrade your skills and add to your business portfolio. Learn new ways of writing, keyword basics, as well as using different blog software, and so on.
Submit articles on a regular basis to article directories. This can be as little as one per month to several each week. This is a valuable step in the learning process. It will allow your work to be reviewed by others and provide feedback.
Adding New Skills Learned to Your Portfolio
A writing portfolio is a collection of writings which is available to show others your skills. Adding new skills learned to your portfolio will increase the value of the documentation available to others.
Take the best writing pieces and add them to your portfolio file. If you have recently learned how to create press releases, make a very solid sample to provide to new employers.
Working from home is a great option, but many times you will never meet your employer face to face. By providing top-quality work samples to them, they will visually "see" your writing skills.
How Can I Make the Most of My Portfolio?
Work from home moms can make the most of their portfolio collection. The portfolio items should be free of any errors in writing and structure. The writing should read with ease and flow smoothly. Check the formatting of the document as well. Fonts should be the same throughout and it should look as professional as possible.
The extra care taken will allow the employer to see that details are taken care of. It will show that you are diligent in writing principles. Providing great document samples during the interview process can solidify gaining a new work from home opportunity. With a great portfolio, you will increase your potential to become the next best writer!
If you are interested in learning more about work from home job opportunities, please be sure to visit The Real Work From Home Mom site. A variety of information is available to help you in your work from home journey, including helpful articles, job coaching, as well as job leads
By Barbara M Green  |  Source

Monday 18 September 2017

7 Habits That Can Enrich Your Lifestyle (Part Two)

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One More Thing to Enhance Your Existence
Focus on changing the habits you dislike about you because to make an upgrade in your life; you must stick with wanting to do what is necessary and follow through. It is not an overnight change; it takes time to replace harmful habits and stop putting yourself after everyone else.
You have to quit eradicating yourself from the equation. Instead, start to make the changes that you need, because you are looking to enrich your lifestyle and get a more satisfying journey.
A Few Tips to Enrich Your Lifestyle
  • Look in the mirror and realize that the only competition you have is you.
  • Write down your achievements and keep note. Read through it out loud to enrich your lifestyle.
  • When you get a compliment, look at the person and say "Thank you. I appreciate it."
  • Tell yourself each day that you matter and are worthy.
  • Write five things about yourself that you appreciate.
  • Ask your friends what they admire the most about you.
  • Replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
  • Enjoy who you are and keep making the necessary changes to grow.
  • Get rid of people and situations which are sources of conflict or low self-esteem.
  • Think more about yourself and stop trying to please everybody all of the time.
  • Reflect and meditate each day.
Enriching your lifestyle is all about taking the time to replace habits, taking action and making you happy. What do matter is how you feel about yourself and your life. So if at this moment, you are not what or where you want to be, remember, you always have the ability to change the next moment.
Sergei VanBellinghen, Personal Growth & Success Expert, Founder of First-Class Lifestyle & I inspire and help women and men get a fresh start with their career and their life after a divorce, loss or if single. I do this by using self-development techniques to help you grow, succeed and have a better life. Remember, it's not just about growing but also about ending the routine. It's about the lifestyle of working less, living more and enjoying life!
By Sergei VanBellinghen  |  Source

Sunday 17 September 2017

7 Habits That Can Enrich Your Lifestyle (Part One)

When it comes to habits that can enrich our lifestyle, we often come short of willpower after a time or find out that we have a tough time keeping up with some of them. What most of us do not realize is that the initial source of the problem comes from within us. Yet, with effort, it can be redesigned.
Do you dwell on things? Do you believe you are not good enough, smart enough, or strong enough? If you could just choose one, two or more habits to redesign your lifestyle in the next few months, what would they be? Would they be habits that will have the most impact on your life?
Before anything else, the fact that you must realize is that willpower is more powerful than any I.Q. Your willpower can overtake any thoughts or obstacles you believe are in your way. But to enrich your lifestyle, you have to create habits that allow you acceptance about every part of yourself, which is not always easy.
Since childhood, you hear comments, remarks, laughs and expectations from relatives, acquaintances, peers, colleagues, and people around you, which have often more negative connotation than a constructive meaning.
As a result, you have a low self-esteem which can be at a conscious or unconscious level. But if you could find a way to enrich your lifestyle or life altogether, it would push you to realize that you can do anything you put your mind to doing. You could learn new habits, new skills and live a more satisfying life.
May I remind you that what relatives or anyone else says or think are not the facts, but just opinions formed by others! To begin making a difference and enriching your lifestyle, you need to accept yourself as who you are and that you can be different if required.
7 Habits to Enrich Your Lifestyle
Now let's go over seven of the most valuable habits to ameliorate and create a more satisfying you.
1. Self-Image to Form a Better You
At first, to enrich your lifestyle, you have to understand and realize that you, as a person, matter. Setting goals are an excellent way to create a better you and develop all areas of your life, which in turn will change your lifestyle tremendously.
You have to understand that setting goals have an enormous impact if you want to enhance your life. They are not an instant cure but a component for upgrading your lifestyle. The next step is that you have to take action and begin to make the changes by learning to appreciate and love yourself.
For that reason, you have to stop your inward criticism. Avoid letting your mind take over, or anyone else criticize you. You are somebody and are worthy. To enrich your lifestyle, prevent the negative self- talk. You have to replace the negative statements with positive ones.
2. Self-Focus to Create Good Habits
To enrich your way of life, you have to focus on one goal, on one task at a time which is much more efficient. You also need to focus on one habit at a time before getting another one in the picture. While it might seem very difficult, focusing on one habit is the best way of creating healthy habits
As soon as you try to create many habits at once, you are scattering your focus and energy all over the place. Choose one habit to focus on first. Break it into a goal you can accomplish in the next three months. Pick an action you can do today and begin. Keep doing this until the habit becomes second nature.
When one habit feels like a complete part of you, focus on the next pattern. As you desire to enrich your lifestyle, some goals of yours may also be external ones. Well, in those cases, turn them into habits. Focus entirely on turning your goal into a habit, until the habit is deep-rooted. Then concentrate on the next one.
3. Self-Value to Enrich Your Lifestyle
In today's world, we tend to value people by what they have rather than by who they are. So, to enhance your lifestyle, you have to learn to understand that real value is not material things but rather the value you have about yourself.
Do not get me wrong, material things are great but are not the most important. If you lose everything, what is left? You still have YOU! Therefore, remind yourself that you are a unique, worthy, and brilliant person who matters in this world. You are a miracle of life!
You may like it or not; your ultimate reality is created by what you believe, what you think and how you talk about yourself. So, to enrich your lifestyle, you have to value yourself. You are as good as anyone else out there. And yes, it can be rather challenging to accept as true, but it is always possible.
4. Self-Education to Make You A Fortune
"Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune." - Jim Rohn
Do whatever it takes to educate yourself. Read more than usual, at least 1 hour a day. Read about everything and anything that floats your boat. All successful people read books. It can be audio, but the best is a book where you can highlight important parts you can use or go back to when needed.
Learn and acquire new skills because the more you learn, the more you earn. Reflect and meditate also on what you have read each day for at least fifteen minutes or more. The reason being is that it has amazing benefits for your health but also for your mental and physical capacities.
5. Self-Trust to Build Self Confidence
When you want to enrich your lifestyle, you have to trust your feelings and your gut instincts. You must rely a lot more on your gut feelings when the need comes to make a decision or take action. Avoid letting others make decisions for you.
Therefore, begin by making decisions for yourself instead of following a map set by others for you to follow. The people who do have trust in themselves are the ones that take charge of their own lives, letting no one intrudes on their choices.
You should believe more in yourself, and the best way to enrich your lifestyle is to spend time with people that have self-confidence. Their positive attitude will rub on you. You could even ask them to mentor you.
6. Self-Resilience to Reach a Better Outcome
You always have a choice between reacting or acting firmly to a situation at hand. When you look at resilient people, you can see that they have a strong emotional mindset that gets them through life's challenges without falling apart.
Being self-resilient is not being a cold person who has no feelings but rather being very optimistic and real. And it is a powerful habit and asset you can have when you want to enrich your lifestyle.
To be resilient, you have to focus on what you need to do to change the circumstances. Realize that if you desire to enrich your existence, resilience and persistence will help you reach a better outcome.
7. Self-Respect to Enrich Your Way of Living
Regrettably, too many people make choices based on the desires of their relatives, spouse, friends, and even the media. Self-respect comes from make your own decisions and recognizing your worth as a human being.
When it comes to choosing things such as what to learn, what to read, what to study, what job to choose, where to live, when to get married and how many children to have, you should learn to respect what you desire.

Stop being scared of standing up for yourself. Respect and value your desires. Value yourself for all you are worth, and it will greatly enrich your lifestyle.
By Sergei VanBellinghen  |  Source