
Tuesday 19 December 2017

How To Export Your LinkedIn Contacts Into A Spreadsheet

Have you ever wondered how to get access to the email addresses of all your LinkedIn connections?
Just like you, I have often reflected on the value of my connections and wanted to contact them by email.
I have been building my account for over 5 years and managed to connect with nearly 3,000 people. Around 50 per week now. This is what I do… Once a week I create a small list of the 50 or so people I have connected with. I send them an email which contains a short video. It simply thanks them for reaching out to me on LinkedIn. I explain what I do… and tell them I look forward to exploring possibilities with them.
I rarely get complaints and in fact regularly get asked how I do it!
So, I thought I would share with you how to get your LinkedIn contacts onto a spreadsheet…

Monday 18 December 2017

The Most Successful People Explain Why a College Degree is USELESS

The Most Successful People Explain Why a College Degree is USELESS. Definitely a must watch! Keep in mind, college is a viable option for many. The people you meet and networking opportunities are worth more than the degree itself.

Friday 15 December 2017

Design your ideal business BEFORE you start

Ten Things I Wish I Knew  Before I Started… Part Four

We've had some great feedback from the series of emails
I've been sending over the last 3 days...
2 common questions - can you send me the previous points?
Yes, we’ll upload ALL of these.
And, how do I get started with your system?

And now for the final 2 points that I promised you.

9. Design your ideal business BEFORE you start
This is an interesting one, because it's something that came naturally to me when I first started...
There were things that I did NOT want to do in my business.
As an example, in my previous job I was on the phone pretty much ALL day.
So when I started online, I made sure that I would never have to answer the phone or even make calls!
To this day, I don't do it.
But then, I didn't keep going with this strategy.
It was only years later that I figured this out.
When I found myself doing too many tasks in my business.
I was spending too many hours just staring at my laptop! I'd lost focus of why I'd come online in the first place.
To make money and also to have a lifestyle business!
So, to quote Stephen Covey from his famous book The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People… “Begin with the end in mind”... and design your ideal day.

10. Choose the right business model for YOU
It is possible to make money from a lot of business models...
Monthly memberships and recurring payments, mid ticket,
high ticket items, events, webinars... There are plenty of options!
And at the time, each of these were correct for me.
If you have access to large volumes of targeted traffic, then I
would create lots of monthly paying members...
And build monthly income.
If you can build a significant database of buyers, I would run webinars and events.
And right now, with the ever increasing cost of marketing, you need to consider promoting HIGH ticket income streams.
Because it takes JUST 1 sale to make a difference.
As an example, it is extremely possible to earn $2k, $5k or even $10k in commissions from one HIGH ticket sale.
It's more profit and it's also more marketing budget.
Compare that to a $100 or $200 sale and you'll soon see why we encourage students to have HIGH ticket income streams.
Something that I wish I knew when I first started online!

I hope you've enjoyed this series of emails.
If you missed any, I'll get them uploaded for you asap so you can catch up...
Talk soon,


Wednesday 13 December 2017

Who Else Wants This Practical Free Software?

Despite being the middle of winter (here in the UK) it is a glorious day today. The sun is shining and everything is good. I have made the commute to work. It takes about ten seconds to get from the kitchen to my home office. I LOVE working from home!

Anyway, today I thought I would share this bit of Wednesday Wisdom with you. 

When I show this to my colleagues they are always blown away!Let me show you this practical piece of free software. It is perfect for grabbing a screenshot and resizing for your own purposes. So much faster than opening photoshop PLUS you can resize by Aspect Ratio as well as specific sizes. I often have to size an image to a ratio of 16:9 to fit screen computer monitors… it is a doddle to do with this software.

If you create a blog, newsletter, website or any kind of graphics this is ideal.

I hope you found that useful.

Cheers for now!


PS. Would like to know more about the perfect business to run from home in your spare time…

Monday 11 December 2017

Ten Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started... Part Three

Yesterday I shared points 4-6 with you regarding the 10 things I wish I knew before I started...
If you missed those, here's a brief rundown:
1. You can only get so far on your own
2. Work with like minded people
3. 20% learning time, 80% implementation
4. Systems work, people fail
5. How funding and investment really works
6. Start as an "affiliate" and then build your own business
And today I'd like to continue with these points for you...
Because this next one is VERY important!
7. Find a mentor and join a mastermind
Why do people who buy the same system or franchise get different results?
Some quit, some make money and others go on on to make hundreds of thousands!
The difference is really this.
Those that made money continued to learn and add to their business...
They didn't quit!
And when you do this - constantly adding to your business - it means that systems, processes and the consistency adds up.
Soon you're not emailing 100 people, you're emailing 1000.
Your marketing budget isn't $500. It's $5,000!
It all adds up and it compounds... and this is where the BIG numbers are made.

But to do this, you need a mentor. Someone who's been there and done it. Someone that's made ALL of the mistakes before you!
Someone that's in the trenches right now as well - making it work today.
Not someone that used to do it and now talks and teaches!
They will be out of touch with what's working - TODAY...
You want someone that's using that specific technique right now.
And a mastermind will help with this as well.
Your very own board of directors to go to and ask questions.
Like how to scale a business from 10k - 20k per month.
The bottlenecks you might experience, the technical tools and the software that you really need to be using right now.
All of these questions can save you months and hundreds of thousands in tests you don't need to do.
And it's important that you KNOW this from the outset.

8. Set Goals - constantly
One of the things that I didn't do when I first started was to continually set goals.
I do it now, because of some advice I was given and also because of experiences that I've had...
But when I first started my goal was just to make money.
Nothing else beyond that, so when I achieved my initial goal, I very quickly had surplus money...
And guess what?
I went through it!
Which is why, I learned, it is so important to plan ahead...
To have goals beyond the initial goal of just making money and maybe
replacing a salary. It's WAY bigger than this.

That's probably enough for you to think about today...
I'll bring you the final 2 points tomorrow.
Have a great day and talk soon,


Friday 8 December 2017

Ten Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started… Part Two

If you missed yesterday's email, you can see that content
It contained points 1-3 about getting started and things I
wish I knew before I started online:
1. You can only get so far on your own
2. Work with like minded people
3. 20% learning time, 80% implementation
Today, we're going to cover points 4-6...
4. Systems work, people fail.
I heard this for the first time at an event that I attended in
the UK. Probably around 3-4 years ago.
It didn't really make much sense at the time, but the more
I thought about this, the more it did make sense!
And here's the thinking behind this.
You take something that's working. A proven way to do
something... and it should then work for EVERYONE.
If you have a proven system, it should be something that
But in the real world, this doesn't happen!
It's because we will change something.
For any number of reasons (I won't go into the detail just
here) we will make a change...
And guess what? It doesn't work.
We've changed the system, effectively breaking it.
It does happen for a number of reasons - the subconscious,
the need to "tinker" or simply thinking we know better...
And we look out for this within our training and our systems.
Because we know it works, if it doesn't then work for our
members we know that specific coaching might be required.

5. How funding and investment really works
It was when I was reading Richard Branson's autobiography -
"Screw It, Let's Do It" that this one really hit home.
And I really began to understand finance and OPM.
You see, at the time of the financial crisis in 2007, the Virgin
company was over £3m in debt at the bank.
It was a snapshot of the business at that particular time and
the bank did NOT like it...
The company had some HUGE money coming in, but as a
snapshot it looked massively overdrawn.
Can you guess what happened?
The bank called in the debt!!
Yes, they gave Richard Branson and Virgin 2 weeks to pay
it all back.
Incredible, right!
A company that large and that profitable. What was the bank
thinking?... but that's what happened.
And it got me thinking.
If this company is using Other People's Money (OPM) to make
even more money, then why the heck aren't I?
Why settle for only making 10k / month, when with more
investment or more capital you could make 20k, 50k, even 100k +
per month...
It works. It just requires more marketing capital to do it.
And here's the other thing about finance and funding...
Something I did NOT understand and most people simply don't
understand either!
The more you borrow, the more you make, the LESS finance
actually costs.
Let me show you this as an example.
Let's say we borrow £10k - today. And pay this back at £300 /
month. Over however many years that would be.
Each month we now need to make £300 to cover this cost.
But with £10k to start marketing, we can do this.
Even if we start with just £5k in our first month for marketing, I
would expect to make at least £10k from it...
So, we cover our £300, we increase our marketing budget AND
we make profits.
The only time this doesn't work is if you act out of fear, you stop
marketing, you change the system. i.e. all of the previous points!
This requires you to keep pushing and keep growing.
Otherwise, you have created a debt, and you now have to service
that debt.
Making money with OPM and covering the cost of the finance with
new profits is just a very different way to look at debt...
And it's one that I wish I knew before I started.

6. Start as an "affiliate" and then build your own business
If you've been looking at affiliate marketing for a while, you will
know and understand why this makes sense...
Building your own business, creating websites, managing websites,
hosting, payments, automation, systems, even creating products.
It's a lot of HARD WORK!
You can create products from scratch. You can create systems and then
processes to run your businesses smoothly.
It takes planning, a great team and a lot of work to then benefit
from it all.
It's worth it. OMG. It's worth it...
But, it's a lot of work.
Which is why we recommend that students start as an affiliate
Where you can choose an existing product, with a website, with
payment systems and fulfilment processes, even customer support
already in place.
You then simply promote the product, via a very specific link that
tracks back to you... and make commissions.
Sometimes you can even be up and running with a BRAND NEW
income stream in a matter of days when you do this...
Rather than months and potentially even years if you opt for building
your own business at the outset!
Building and having your own is definitely something that I recommend
but not in year 1...
So become an affiliate, make money, make more money than you
really need... and then pay someone else to build your business for you!
How does that sound?

Talk tomorrow - where I'll cover some more points...
