
Monday 10 April 2017

Quick Tips To Build Your Brand Using Instagram

Social media is the new medium for brand building. Companies that are using this as a platform for their brand's voice are gaining more visibility and quickly. This is why social networks should be one of the core tools being used for your online reputation management. Local SEO companies are already using it as part of their services for branding businesses. If you don't know where to start, consider consulting with one.
Why use Instagram?
There are various social media networks out there that you can use as a platform for your company. Why choose one over another? The first step is to determine whether it's where your audience hangs out a lot. Next, you have to identify whether or not you're able to create relevant content for that particular site. This is where some businesses fall off, because they lack creativity.
Instagram is a visual platform, so it requires content in the form of video and photos. There are clever ways you can make this type of content match your business and audience. This is also where hiring one of the best local SEO companies can come in handy. Their experts can conjure up ways to create content that will draw in your particular audience.
Now, what's the reason for using Instagram? For one, it has over 600 million users around the world. Surely, you have a small percentage of this pie that's made up of your target customer. According to other stats, over 300 million people are using the platform on a daily basis.
The brands that have already started using this platform are witnessing high amounts of user engagement. Numbers from Forrester Research show a 2.3 percent per-follower engagement rate. This is much higher than Facebook's 0.2 percent Twitter's 0.02 percent rates.
Steps to branding yourself on Instagram
Hopefully, this helped capture your attention and desire to give Instagram a try. What have you got to lose anyway? You can hire an SEO company to design a strategy to ensure your launch on this network is impressive.
Here's what you need to do to get your business noticed on Instagram:
  1. Create your posts using your desktop. Why? Because it's faster and easier. Plus, this is where all of your scheduling tools will be, which makes it easier to implement.
  2. Repost content published by others. One study done by Crowdtap shows that people trust user-generated content more. Also, user-generated posts are 50 percent more trustworthy and 35 percent more memorable. You should add your own caption, so your essence is implemented into the post.
  3. Consider your gallery's theme. This will depend on the type of industry you're in and the focus of your social media strategy. It can be a combination of business photos, topic-related photos, user-generated photos and so on.
  4. Set aside time to do each task to prevent multi-tasking. Research done by a professor from NYU shows that multi-tasking reduces your focus and productivity. This is because your brain has to consistently switch back and forth from one task to the other. Schedule time for posting and scheduling and another time for engaging and commenting on posts.
  5. Develop content in advance. This can help free up your time to focus on engaging with content and users. You can also hire a local SEO company that can do all the creation and publishing for you.
  6. Use the same filters and edits for most or all of your posts to provide consistency.
It's very important to have an Instagram strategy designed before you jump onto the network. Consider working together with an expert to ensure you're taking all the right steps going forward. You can find local SEO companies that offer online reputation management and social media marketing services.                       
By Hugh Benjamin    |    Source    

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