
Thursday 6 April 2017

How to make money with eBay, the real way!

Want to know how to make money with eBay? My wife is into collectibles. When she said a few years ago that she wanted to quit her job and just do eBay, I thought she was nuts. I could envision eating tuna casserole every night for dinner. But she's actually done very well. She's a power seller. And with a few tips that I've given her about internet marketing in general, she continues to do well in this economy. Let's talk about how you can get started to make money with eBay, too!

Honestly, the first thing I would recommend anyone to do is to get their feet well. I mean if you want to learn how to make money with eBay, you just need to start selling some stuff and get the hang of how eBay works. And, it doesn't hurt to beef up your feedback rating either.
So, go through the house and pick out some "junk". Don't worry about this too much. It's absolutely amazing what people will buy.
Now, list those items to sell and see what happens.
When you list anything on eBay, it's better if you keep it simple. Overstate the imperfections of what you're selling a little. For instance, if we were selling a collectible magazine that had a tear in the front cover, I would overemphasize the tear. Not dwell on it, but just make sure that the reader can't miss the fact that the magazine's got a tear. That in itself will go a long way to getting your buyer to trust you.
Now that you've sold a few items, you need to start thinking about where you're getting your inventory. If you want to go from just how to make money with eBay to how to build a real business on eBay, you'll need a steady source of stuff to sell. With eBay's fees continuing to rise, it's harder and harder to just get some dropshipping company to supply your inventory. You need to be more creative here. Some eBayers have done very well getting local craftspeople and manufacturers to let them sell their inventory exclusively on eBay.
Finally, you'll want to start thinking about getting more eyeballs on your eBay listings. Here's where I was able to help my wife a lot. You see, I'm an internet marketer. One thing I was able to do that helped my wife a lot was make YouTube style videos and link these back to your eBay listings. We've also created a blog for her that's now getting a lot of traffic. Doing this online marketing helped my wife make money on eBay on a more consistent basis.

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