
Tuesday 11 April 2017

Exploring New Niches - How to Find the Niche That Fits You

Every day, you likely do something that nobody has thought of, that would make an incredibly good business idea. Now about that teabag kit?

Our standard of living changes with each day, and there are people out there who would tell you that I'm crazy for mixing my own tea blends... Maybe. But I like my own tea blends and it's a fun, aromatic thing to do. Can you imagine, bowls of fresh dried herbs sitting on the counter and a bowl in front of you - waiting for you to add the exact right amounts of all those dried herbs to design your own tea? Imagine sitting down for a cup of tea and knowing exactly what flavors are in it, because you blended it, especially for yourself. It is one of the guilty pleasures I enjoy pretty much every day.


Whatever your guilty pleasure is, do you think you could make a business out of that? Do you think someone else in this big wide world might be doing the same exact thing and wishing there were an easier way to get the job done.
When an entrepreneur finds the perfect industry, goes into business and makes a profit, EVERYONE wins. Think Facebook. Think Sage Hill Farms. Think Woozy. These all started out as a person with an idea. The scope of the idea may not have been very big to begin with, but it was an idea that ignited a flame and burned until the business was going.
There are a few steps you can take to put you in the driver's seat of your own business:
1. Brainstorm ideas. Write them down. Use the full notebook if you have to, but brainstorm ideas until you have an idea that resonates with you and your 'team'. Be sure to run your ideas past each other.
2. Market research. Investigate the possible market for your idea and see what turns up. Your idea may eat dirt and die in the research and still be an amazing release when you set it off in the world wide market. Don't give up until you KNOW it's a loser.
3. Know your risk basis. You have to know what you're risking to set this business loose in the world. Know what you're willing to give up for this.
4. Know what you expect. Set up your own expectations. Be realistic, but don't set those expectations too low. You want to accomplish something here. WHAT is your dream. Know what it is and don't stop until you get there.
5. Do it. Go for the gold. Get out there and put the view up on the wall, post it in the hallways, make this happen. Don't stop until you reach the success summit.
That's how it's done... Have an idea.         
By Jan Verhoeff    |   Source     

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