
Sunday 30 April 2017

Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends for 2017

The digital marketing trend has revolutionized the way of online marketing for medium or large size enterprises. There is a significant improvement seen in use of digital media in 2017 by the common people and companies as well. The people will take more interest in digital transactions, online products buying and much more. Thus, it will boost-up the interest of people in digital world and adopt the cashless trend for all online marketing needs of them.
In 2016, most of the companies have recognized the effectiveness and ease of digital marketing that is useful in expanding the business across the globe. Also, they noticed the impact of digital marketing trend making easier to find potential customers around the world along with more business leads. By keeping all such facts in mind, there is a great boom seen in digital marketing trend in 2017.
Here are top 10 expected benefits of internet marketing trends in 2017 such as:
1. Promising enhancement in video ads
Video advertisement is getting huge popularity these days. Most of the brands and medium size companies have been promoting their products and services through video ads that are adding more value to the digital marketing campaigns of the businesses. In 2017, the scale of video ads will increase for sure!
2. Dominance of mobile phones over desktops
The year 2016 was the era of desktops used for manipulating any computing or internet works. In 2017, you will find the complete dominance of Smartphones with internet facility over the desktops used for generating online traffic and money transactions as well.
3. Use of dedicated mobile apps will increase
Most of the people love to use internet in their mobile phones. However, the brands have launched mobile apps of their websites to download. It will enhance interest of users in using applications of their favorite brands in mobile phones for product buying, payments, billing, account optimization, and much more.
4. Increase of social media channels
There is a great boom seen for promoting things over social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. Most of the firms are using social channels for promoting client's businesses websites, products, and services. Also, the common people and businesses take advantage of social media websites to do branding of their achievements and daily updates to make world aware of new discoveries in different domains.
5. 2017 - Era of smart devices
The 2017 is expected to be the year of smart devices, which will be loaded with the latest technology features and automated functions that help marketers and common users to fulfill their all digital requirements through one device.
6. Promoting things over the web can be expensive
There can be a significant increase seen in the cost of online advertisement services in 2017. However, it will hike the heat of competition in digital marketing among the brands and digital marketing service providers around the world.
7. Importance of high-quality content will increase
Promoting things online, there is a quality content required. In 2017, you will find a great demand for high quality content to promote websites, products, services, etc., online and design meaningful digital marketing campaigns for the business.
8. Value of conversion rate or ROI
In 2017, the digital marketing companies will be ranked according to their conversion rate or ROI results in 2017. Thus, it will help customers to invest in top-rated online marketing companies which have good track record in conversion rates.
9. Growth hacking will increase
With continuous use of social media channels, viral marketing techniques, and other organic ads, it may lead the scale of growth hacking in internet marketing.
10. Quality services will be the key to success
The digital marketing trends in 2017 will be quality focused. Most of the brands will give preference to the quality work in all areas of digital marketing domain.
The author has been written many articles on online marketing, today he is sharing his experience on digital marketing trends.
By Brij Bhushan  |  Source

Saturday 29 April 2017

5 Mistakes Beginners Make When Starting an Online Business

When we think of making money online the one thing that comes to your mind is starting off your own business online. It is the easiest way of making money online because you are not answerable to anyone and are not bound in fixed working hours. If you want to know how to make money on the internet then all you need to know is that you must work with dedication and invest time and energy in to your online business.
Thus, like every other job or business it is essential that to make money online you must devote your time and energy to your online business. However, most beginners tend to get a little carried away when it comes to their online business. They have a tendency of making some vital mistakes when it comes to the online business that they run which in turn makes it difficult for them to make money on the internet!
1. Lack of Planning
Most beginners who dream of making money on the internet take the whole job too easily. They do not spend enough time on research and information collection before starting off with their own online business. This is a critical mistake and can deter your desire to make money on the internet. Beginners are often in too much of a hurry to make quick money. You must always remember to plan ahead and start off with a clear objective in your head.
2. Not Taking Action
Like any other business your online business needs you to be fast and you must be able to jump at opportunities. However, beginners often are inattentive to market conditions and demands and are thus unable to take the necessary actions. This is sure to hamper the growth and profit levels of your business. Taking the right action at the right time is a mantra beginners must always keep in mind.
3. Spending Too Much Time Buying the Next "Big Thing" Product
If you are to sell something or promote something it is essential that you have a fair knowledge about your product. However, beginners often forget this important point and begin running after products that are popular or have a promise to bring great returns in the future. They don't understand that what's important are their skill and knowledge and not running blindly behind products that they do not know anything about! Trying to earn too much right from day one by buying such products mindlessly is not a good idea at all. Beginners do not understand that they need to devote their time and patience to the business and slowly the returns are sure to increase.
4. Focusing On Creating Own Product
Beginners make the mistake of trying to create their own products right after entering the market. It is advisable to invest time studying and understanding the market failing which your business may well be doomed due to lack of market survey and experience.
5. Lack of Sincerity
Most beginners start taking their online business to easy! Their laid back attitude is what makes things difficult at the end of the day. Even if you are free to work whenever you want it is important that you do invest enough time to your work at least in the beginning.
Make sure that you avoid making these mistakes as a beginner in your online business and through your hard work and sincerity you can make money online more easily than you think!
By Neil O Barrett  |  Source

Friday 28 April 2017

How To Make Money Online Affiliate Marketing Fast!

According to Forrester Research's Affiliate Marketing Spending Stats & Forecast, A.M. spending for 2014 will reach $4.01 bn in the USA alone. With an ever expanding global marketplace online there is more opportunity than ever for earning a substantial income online. Additionally A.M. requires almost no overhead costs and no shipping or handling of merchandise and the start up costs are minimal.
Affiliate Marketing entails having your own website where you can drive traffic to your Affiliate links and information earning you a sales commission for every purchase you initiate. You can earn a part-time or full-time income as an Affiliate Marketer. If you're still interested here are some ideas on how to make money online Affiliate Marketing:
Create your own Website where you can post content and links to your Host's Websites. You can get a Website inexpensively through sites such as GoDaddy or HostGator. offers customers the opportunity to get a custom built webpage free for thirty days after which there is a nominal monthly charge. Along with the free site they offer solutions for getting your website found on the internet and increasing traffic. Also you can sign up for a free Blog at or where you can Blog and post links to your site.
It is not only important to know how to make money online Affiliate Marketing but also important to find a product and or service niche in which you are interested. It will be more difficult to become successful if your only motive is to make money (unless that is your product or service niche!) because it is crucial to your success that you establish authenticity and trust with potential customers online. Conduct searches within blogs and forums for groups and topics which are relevant to you products or services, get involved in the dialogs posting comments and feedback which is valuable to other members. Once you establish a rapport with other members, gently guide them to your website.
Once you have created a Website and are confident you have a basic understanding of how to make money online Affiliate Marketing, you will want to find products and services to promote. Check with Affiliate Networks such as PayDotCom, ClickBank, and Junkie. These companies specialize in digital download products such as eBooks and software (which are currently en vogue online). A more traditional source is Commission Junction who specializes in more traditional offerings from Services to Travel.
By J Mellor  |  Source

Thursday 27 April 2017

How to Write an EBook Step-By-Step

Some good information towards the end on free pdf writer if you don't have one. What do you think?

Wednesday 26 April 2017

How to Make Money Online Economically

Making money online, online jobs allow you to work from the comfort of your own home. However, many folks fear that the cost of online business is prohibitive. You can earn money online without spending a lot of money to start. Switch on your computer and get to work.
Google the terms "freelance writer" or "freelance article" and you will get over 14 million sites to start researching.
You will find sites where you can bid on jobs to get paid for writing articles, sites where you can learn how to write article, sites that publish your articles for free. You decide how you want to proceed, you will not have to have a website to write and sell articles just you and your computer and no money is needed to get started, only time and determination.
Tip: If you are not motivated then you will not succeed at anything so get it in your mind to succeed no matter what the cost in terms of learning and writing. Learning how to make money online will require some effort.
Google "sell stuff online" and get 69 million resources.
You can find places that have items for you to sell, places that will take care of the shipping of the products. You can find places to sell your own stuff and places that will sell your stuff if you have access to products.
Tip: In today's market there are a lot of stores with extra inventory that they need to get rid off they don't want to throw it away but they can't seem to sell it and it takes up space. I was successful calling and asking for the manager of stores and saying "I was wondering if you had any merchandise you needed to get rid of, I could pay up to fifteen cents on the dollar" then waiting to hear what they said. I got some very good deals some I paid more money for, but you get the idea. One guy found a place to get baseball bats like that and now has a multi-million dollar business online selling overstocked sports equipment.
Google "affiliate marketing" and get 41 million resources. Sell other peoples stuff online and get a commission it's straightforward and easy to get started for little or no money. You need a website so go to Google and type in "free Website" for 296 million resources.
Tip: I have made some of the research a little easier by listing some links to products and services that I use, follow the link below to get to the site. I have around 50 blogs and websites all for free all marketing products and you can learn how with very little out of pocket expense.
Good luck and never never quit.
By Archie Daniels   |  Source

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Top 10 Books on Personal Finance

Many people entering the workforce today are making money, but are struggling to manage it. For many, personal finance is a mystery. They struggle to understand the basic personal finance principles, concepts and ideas.
Are you one of those who are struggling to manage money? Then seek assistance from the experts in the field. Read their books and learn the basics of personal finance. Gain the knowledge of saving and compounding your wealth over a period of time.
Here is a list of top 10 books on 'Personal Finance' which will help you manage your finances in the right way.
The Total Money Makeover: Dave Ramsey
Dave Ramsey gained popularity as the author of the best-selling book, 'The Total Money Makeover'. In this book, Dave provides simple personal finance advice on how to get out of debt, no matter how worse the situation is, by falsifying popular myths. He explains the concept very clearly using simple techniques, so that even a layman can understand and follow. The strategy involves how to pay-off debts by focusing on paying-off small debts first, while paying only the minimum for all other debts.
The Millionaire Next Door: Thomas Stanley
The best-selling book 'The Millionaire Next Door', authored by Thomas Stanley, identifies some common traits of Americans who have accumulated wealth. He says that most wealthy people do not live in Beverly Hills or on Park Avenue - they live next door. The author finds common connections among millionaires after conducting a survey on them in U.S. He discovered that millionaires 'live below their means' and this is the secret of becoming wealthy. The book "The Millionaire Next Door" examines both sides of wealth equation: saving money and earning money.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad: Robert Kiyosaki
rich-dad-poor-dad-ebook copy.jpg
"Rich Dad, Poor Dad" covers Kiyosaki's philosophy and his relationship with money. The author has achieved his unique economic perspective from two different persons. The story is about two dads - one, the author's father, who was the superintendent of education in Hawaii, ended up dying penniless and the other is his best friend's father, who was a drop-out of school at age 13 and went to become one of the wealthiest men in Hawaii. Kiyosaki uses the story of these two men and their financial strategies which varied a lot. He illustrates the need of a new financial paradigm in order to achieve financial success in the new millennium.
Your Money or Your Life: Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
This is one of the best personal finance books which focuses on how to gain control of your money and begin to make a life, instead of just making a living. The authors explain the concept of "time is money" in a very literal sense and how to transform your relationship with money and finally achieve financial independence. These authors encourage readers to sort out their priorities, cut expenses, and then to seek passive income and retire early in the pursuit of financial independence.
The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom: Suze Orman
Ms. Orman, a former waitress and stockbroker turned personal-finance adviser, combined practical investment tips with more psychological advice in her first book "Financial freedom". This book teaches us how to approach money from a spiritual and emotional point of view. She advises people to do nine things in nine steps that are needed to attain financial freedom. She says, when we have power over our fears and anxiety, we have attained success to financial freedom.
How to Get Out of Debt: Jerrold Mundis
"How to Get Out of Debt" provides step-by-step guide to getting out of debt once and for all. It is based on the proven techniques of National Debtor Anonymous Program. Jerrold Mundis was actually a debtor, and the story is based on his own experience. This book contains real tips and is based on real stories of people.
Clark Howard's Living Large in Lean Times: Clark Howard
"Living Large in Lean Times" is a powerful guide to save money. The book covers everything from cell phones to student loans, coupon websites to mortgages, paying electric bills, and beyond. This book paves way to financial independence and wealth. It offers more than 250 tips on saving money.
All Your Worth: Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi
Warren and Tyagi will tell you the truth about money in this book. They show you how to balance your money, how to get out of debt, cover your bills etc. They make people learn how to balance money into three essential parts: 1) the Must-Haves (the bills you have to pay every month), 2) the Wants (some fun money for right now), and 3) your Savings (to build a better tomorrow). They help you to get your finances on right track. Warren and Tyagi advice not to keep complicated budgets. In this book, they both simply show a whole new way of looking at money and yourself.
After Shock: David Wiedemer
An aftershock helps you know how to protect and grow your assets before, during, and after the next global financial/economic crisis. Placing your cash in on the best new investment opportunities will make you know which jobs, careers, and business sectors will gain the most rather than lose when asset bubbles collapse around the world. The author says that for those who act quickly, there is still time to protect yourself, your family, and your business in the coming 'Aftershock'. Thus, this book shows you what to do right now to protect yourself from aftershock before it's too late.
The Money Book for Young Fabulous and Broke: Suze Orman
Suze Orman, the world's most trusted expert on money matters advises on how to get out of generation's debt in her book "The Money Book for Young Fabulous and Broke". She depicts the specific financial reality that young people encounter today by credit card debt, student loans, credit scores, buying a first home, lack of insurance (such as auto, home, health) and the financial issues of the self-employed. She says that this generation should be aware of the urgent need to take the matter under their control.
We hope these books help you attain financial freedom.
Money Chutney provides insightful articles on saving, investing, budgeting and financial planning. These articles are intended to provide knowledge and make people aware of methods and techniques on personal finance, so they can use it to better their financial situation. These personal finance strategies are targeted towards educated middle class people in India, who typically look for information on how to save money.

By Rahul M Satish  |  Source

Monday 24 April 2017

Keyword Placement And Work On The Internet From Home

Placement of keywords in an articles is absolutely important, but critical for your business. This is probably one of the best ways to generate huge amounts of traffic to your site. It does require for you to do proper keyword placement in the articles to make the keywords work for you in the best manner. Keywords are important, but placing them in your article is the key that will matter the most and make money on the net.
A keyword, in case you don't know or understand well enough is the word or phrase someone types into the computer's browser to find the product or service they are looking for online. Say you are looking to "work on the Internet from home", you would type: work on the Internet or the whole phrase into any search engine you want to use. That would be a keyword or keyword phrase.
When you write an article you are only permitted to use the keyword or keywords so many times and where exactly you can put it in your article. If you are excited with the keyword you chose that you know that you don't have to use it many times, because the keyword is powerful and your quality of placement will help you. You won't have to worry about the search engines keeping an eye on your keywords, and they will rank you well.
So you ask, how can I do best justice with my keywords. Well a good rule is for sure to place your keyword in the title, and if all possible is to use it on the first and the last paragraph and if you can include it in the body of the article. You can also include one or more times if your article is extra lengthy and you won't worry about being banned for stuffing keywords.
This can help you tremendously on your keyword placement, but the most important thing is to find your best keyword for your product or service. Look hard for a list of keywords that you can place in an article to give you the traffic you need.
There are so many tools you can use to find keywords, but don't overlook a most popular tool easily available to you: the Google keyword tool. It is completely free for you to use and will give you accurate and up to date keyword information.
You have to keep in mind to look for is a list of keywords with a lot of monthly searches and low amount of competition. Are you wondering what is a 'lot' of searches and 'low' competition, well this varies in all niches so this will be defined by you.
Work hard and steady and you will soon be more versed in internet marketing and you can work on the Internet from home and make money on the net. Then you will be able to afford to buy a keyword tool and have more flexibility and more information on searches and competition.
Most of the paid keyword tools will give you so much more information then just the amount of competition. The information a paid keyword tool will provide can be extremely valuable to help you find good keywords and which ones to skip.
The greatest first thing you can do is to find a great list of keywords, and second is to determine the keyword placement for your articles to rank high in the search engines.
Efren Maldonado
Efren Maldonado invites you to come to his site to learn more about starting an online business the step by step way. His belief in delivering quality, free information is foremost to your success.
Please visit to get your free gifts and learn what to do next to make a successful online living!           
By Efren Maldonado | Source

Sunday 23 April 2017

Work On The Internet From Home

There is more and more opportunity to work on the Internet from the comfort of your home. It is a perfect option for stay at home Moms or the disabled or simply anyone who would like the flexibility working from home brings. Here are some ideas and suggestions.
SEO expert
If you have experience in SEO (search engine optimization), you can work for clients to help them enhance their internet presence.
You will still probably have to meet with clients directly but a great deal of the work can be done on the internet from home. Or if the sales are handled by someone else, then you can probably do virtually everything necessary from home.
Graphic Designer
For those of you with graphic design skills, you can create eye catching graphics or marketing pieces on your computer from home.
They can be submitted to your clients over the Internet through a web page download or FTP site. Or you can send them as an attachment to email. You can even create your own marketing page which highlights your work and promotes it to potential clients. All this can be done from home.
Affiliate Marketing
There are many things you can sell over the Internet as an affiliate. In this way you don't need to inventory items or take care of the sales process.
You simply direct prospective customers to your affiliate website and when they order an item, you receive credit for the sale and earn a commission. There are many people who are quite successful at this and it can easily turn into a very viable full time income.
If you understand another language, you can make money by translating articles, ads, etc.
Your clients would send you the documents to be translated and you would complete this and return them via email or posted to a website. With the Internet spanning the globe, this is a service in strong demand.           
By Dion Boddie | Source

Saturday 22 April 2017

How to make money writing a blog - Our Story from $0 to 10k per month!

How To Make Money Using Kindle Publishing

Kindle self publishing has provided e-book writers new possibilities to earn an income. Amazon's electronic eBook reader is easily the most popular one, which means that the Kindle eBook publishing option is remarkably rewarding.
A number of uncomplicated methods will help you earn money with Kindle do it yourself publishing. You can rely on various basic tips to improve the popularity of your books and also to raise revenue. Kindle do it yourself publishing: You Need A Great Product!
To make money with Kindle self publishing, you will first have to put a superior ebook together. People who have an interest in eBook purchases have a large number of options to choose amongst. A well-written, professionally created eBook is the only chance to be noticeable.
Discuss the themes you already know and the things that you enjoy. Your skills will become obvious in the first pages of the book. Refrain from starting a very ambitious project that you're brand new to, even though you suspect that the topic possesses substantial monetization possibilities.
Lastly, for prosperous Kindle self publishing, you should depend upon expert editing. There isn't any alternative, if you wish to transform eBook publishing into a profitable small business.
Kindle Do It Yourself Publishing: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words!
You have a few seconds to impress Amazon shoppers. A good eBook cover and a smartly written outline will let you be noticeable. Here's your one chance to grab the attention of the audience in order to generate product sales.
Professional, interesting and relevant cover designs are the initial thing seller's notice. Lots of people make purchasing decisions on the basis of visuals. Having a cover on your own is fine, provided you have got picture editing knowledge. Utilising high quality photos and interesting typefaces can help you put a stylish cover together.
The write up on the eBook ought to emphasise your primary points. Together with a number of lines of positive reviews will establish some credibility as well as increase the readiness of persons to purchase.
Drive Traffic To Your Kindle Self Publishing Ebook Web page
To generate income through Amazon Kindle publishing, you will need to do a great deal of advertising and marketing. Internet presents fantastic, cost-free publicity possibilities. Depend upon those to push traffic towards your Amazon eBook description web pages.
Social networking is among the many strategies to get better at. Start a website or even a blog and dedicate it to the themes discussed in your electronic books.?Include a hyperlink to your Amazon URL in your email signature and also on your small business card. Just about all marketing opportunities ought to be employed expertly and proficiently to bring up profits and increase your Amazon Kindle eBook publishing success.
Some of the most effective Amazon eBook writers produce a great deal of money through the work they do. The building of practical revenue is achievable by anyone. You need a smart idea and a smart advertising and marketing plan. Spending some time on the preliminary steps will allow you to create an intriguing electronic book which has a substantial revenue building possibilities.
By Cody Getty    |    Source    

Thursday 20 April 2017

How To Make A Website To Make Money - Unlock The Secret

In order to make it big online, learning how to make a website to make money is one of the key areas that you should tap into. As wide as this field is, making money online is actually very possible. This is provided so long as you are willing to put in work before you can reap the fruits.
The reason why many people fail online has to do with their mentality. Most of them really want to get easy money without doing anything at all. It goes without saying that such a thing is not possible.
For those who REALLY want to make money online, uncovering the easy way that you can make your website to make money is a direction in the right step.
Ready? Grab a cup of coffee as I teach you some of the easy ways that you can use to attract more of the green stuff.
1. Affiliate marketing
This is one of the popular methods of making a living online. Don't be duped by sales pages claiming that you will be making bazillions within 24 hours after buying such and such a book. The truth is that YES, you can make money by using this method. The catch is that you have to find ways of getting traffic to your site in order to make these sales.
2. Becoming a re-seller
This is actually similar to affiliate marketing. Among the list of how to make money by using a website, this is one of the most profitable. It involves acquiring products at a wholesale price and then setting your own price. A good example is reselling domains.
3. Selling downloadable products
This is similar to what ClickBank does. The only difference is that you will now be selling your own products. The reason why this method ranks so highly in tips on how to make your website to make you some money is due to the ease of setting it up. Rather than physical products which necessitate the hassles of shipping, you will not be concerned about such things.
4. Selling physical goods
There are two ways of achieving this:
· By selling physical products as an affiliate through such sites as Amazon,
· By marketing and selling your own products.
Physical products are preferred because of their high profit margins compared to the downloadable items like eBooks.
5. AdSense
Aha! You thought we had forgotten about this in learning how to make some easy money by using your site, did you? This involves setting up some Ads on your site. These Ads are run by Google and once a visitor to your site clicks on them you earn some money. With tons of traffic, you could easily make a killing with this method.
These are just some few ways you can use when thinking of how to make a website to make money. There are other more powerful methods although they do require you to take the time to learn the steps. Not a hard thing to do if you are really interested in making money online   
Moses lives in Kenya and is an established Online Marketer.
Having spent a considerable amount of time in this business, Moses is now engaged in handing down tips and advice to those who are just starting on making money online.
By Moses Mwendia    |   Source                    

Wednesday 19 April 2017

How To Make Money On Fiverr - Steps For Success

If you are wanting to get started with making money online, the easiest way to get going with little or no skills is by learning how to make money with Fiverr.
What is Fiverr?
Fiverr is a website that allows users to post their work or "gigs" for $5. It is a huge compilation of workers offering everything from:
  • graphics and art design
  • freelance writing jobs
  • Website copywriting
  • video editing
  • audio and voice overs
  • Product reviews writing
  • article and website writing
  • SEO services
  • Twitter and Facebook help
  • marketing help and guides
  • Do-it-yourself tutorials
  • and more!
As you can see, all you have to do is set up a gig with one of your skills, and you can start making money with Fiverr almost immediately!
How to Make Money Using Fiverr
The first thing you need to do is set up an account and create your first gig. Here are some important steps to keep in mind while doing so:
  • Use a catchy, keyword rich title
  • See what top sellers are offering, and create a similar gig
  • Offer tons of value
Once your first gig is set up, you can then offer your services in the Fiverr marketplace. The best ways to get your gig noticed are to market your services using social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, or other social media sites. Visit forums and take part in blog posts in order to get the word out that you are now offering a service to help people with their needs.
Here are some other great tips to make even more money by using Fiverr:
  • Once you have your gigs up and running and are making some decent money, you can start outsourcing your work for pennies on the dollar. For instance, set up an eBook cover design gig and have your hired help do all the work. Even after you pay your employee, you should still make a profit. This is a great way to focus on other money-making activities, such as creating new gigs.
  • Find a successful gig, and offer similar services but include a free bonus. Giving the client a guide to teach them the skills that you are providing will give the customer more bang for their buck.
  • Every time you learn a new skill, offer to sell it on Fiverr. You can adjust your content depending on how much traffic you are receiving.
These simple tips are just some of the great ways to make money on Fiverr. Once you get your account set up, you will have the opportunity to significantly increase your income.           
By Nate Rio    |    Source

Saturday 15 April 2017

How To Write Articles That Get Results Online

Learning how to write articles that get results online is not difficult to do when you know how to write an article. Whether you are writing articles for a website or blog, you should first pick out a topic that you will be of strong interest to many people. Once you have chosen a topic, then you should do some research on the topic, carefully select keywords that you can use throughout your article and then start writing an article that everyone will enjoy reading.
When choosing a topic, there are many things that you can do to find a topic for your article that many people will find interesting. If you have a particular subject in mind, then you should do some research using some of the major search engines to get some ideas on topics other people are writing about. Topics that appear on the first page of search engine results are often the most popular topics, but many popular topics have not made it to the first page results and appear on the second and third pages of search engines. After picking one topic that you believe is most interesting, then you can start conducting research on the topic.
To write articles that get results, you should always plan on doing some research online before you write. Although you do not have to spend hours researching a topic to gets results, you should spend enough time to get acquainted with the topic so you can offer readers all the details and information they will find interesting. Articles that are well-researched always get better results than articles that are not based on research, so if your goal is to write articles that get results then plan on doing some research before you start writing.
One last thing you need to do after you have finished researching your topic is to select keywords that you can use throughout your article. When selecting keywords you want to insert keywords that you know visitors will be searching for. By including keywords, your article will have a greater chance of attracting visitors who are searching for specific information. When writing an article, you want to use your keywords sparingly because search engines do not like articles that contain too many keywords.
Once you have carefully selected the keywords, then it is time to start writing. Learning how to write an article that gets results online takes time, but absolutely everyone can learn how to write articles for websites and blogs on their own. When writing an article, you want to organize your article so it flows well and is easy to read. In addition, you may want to use headings and subheadings to organize your content. Whether you use headings or subheadings, you should plan on keeping your paragraphs short because readers prefer reading articles with shorter paragraphs.
By taking the time to choose a topic, conduct research, choose keywords and use headings, you will be on your way to learning how to write articles that get results online.                   
By B Hopkins    |    Source

10 Quick Tips to Get More Likes on Your Facebook Page

Recently a team member told me that she had gone to do some research on Facebook for a potential client, and it was essentially a dead account. The nonprofit locked up the Facebook page so they could prevent others from using their name on the platform, but the page was mostly useless with limited information.
That's a missed opportunity. What follows are some quick tips for organizations that are stretched and with scarce resources:
  1. One Visit. Most people will visit a business or nonprofit's page only once. They'll take a quick look, like it or not, and then they'll probably never visit again. Make sure to include your nonprofit information on the page, along with a great profile picture and cover photo (look fresh and creative). Also, make sure to add your URL. It's a missed opportunity not to have the basics done.
  2. Add Facebook Apps. Facebook has a way for you to add apps that will help you add and diversify content. You can add apps that will give you features to do quizzes and polls. You can also add apps that will help you bring your blog's RSS feed into your Facebook page.
  3. Use Facebook Social Plug-ins. Social plug-ins are the "Like", share and other buttons. The Facebook Page Plug-in, which you can search for in their "Quick Help" section allows you to promote your page on your website and visitors can like or share your page without ever leaving your site.
  4. Automatic Content. Many nonprofits have limited time and resources, and one of the easiest things you can do is automate and schedule posts. Take a little time and schedule posts out for weeks and then as things happen that are current, you can add those easier.
  5. Run a Promotion. An excellent way to get more Facebook likes to your page is to run a promotion. We've done it in various ways, and it's a good way to get people interested in what you have to offer. Search Facebook's help section for promotions guidelines.
  6. Call to Action. Place a CTA on your cover photo (and, again, make sure you have an awesome cover photo). People will naturally see your cover photo and their eyes will also see the CTA's. Some Facebook CTA's include, "Sign-Up," "Watch Video," or "Book Now."
  7. Facebook Only Content. Give your followers an extra reason to keep your Facebook page top of mind. Promote the fact that you'll have content available only on Facebook and then give your supporters what they want to see concerning topics that have the highest levels of engagement.
  8. Facebook Ads. They work, and they're not expensive. You can customize demographics on who will see your ad. They work to boost your posts and also likes to your page.
  9. Ask Your Database. When you do emails or other types of direct response, ask your supporters to follow your Facebook page. Don't assume that people will search you out on that platform. So, give them a reason to look for you, and if you run a promotion exclusively on Facebook or have Facebook-specific content, you'll drive people to your page.
  10. Pin to Your Facebook Page. Use the "pin" feature to keep at the top of your page relevant posts, photos, and videos that you want to share. You can learn about pinning a post at Facebook's help section.
Author of "Not Your Father's Charity: Be Bold, Dominate and Succeed in Marketing For Today's Digital World On A Limited Budget"            
By Wayne Elsey    |    Source