
Tuesday 23 May 2017

How To Make Money Using Pinterest

Do you know how to make money using Pinterest? Most folks just don't know how to make money using this simple tool. Let me show you one particular way you can use the power of Pinterest to make money.
Pinterest is like a huge search engine. Kind of like Google images. People go to Google images looking for search terms that are visual related. For example, Bora Bora island.
People don't use Google images for terms like,"how to fix your leaky bathtub." This is more of a reading or video related search term. Google and YouTube are the most popular search engines for that.
You can pin any images you want on Pinterest. It can be Bora Bora, or it can be your favorite author. It doesn't matter. Just use popular topics that people will want to pin on their own Pinterest photo board.
When someone takes your pin and repins it, the hosting website responsible for this is made into a link from the image. So if someone clicks on the image, they are taken to your website.
So if you wanted visitors to come to your site related to your niche, you want to find images to host on your site related to your niche. When people in Pinterest click on the image, they will be taken to your site. Voila! Instant traffic.
Once you've hosted your images, you can simply go to Pinterest and pin it. Once you've pinned it and it's a popular subject, you will get followers. Those followers will pin your image and your website will be mentioned. This turns into traffic on your website.
Now that you have traffic on your website, you need to make money from it. You can do this with some simple ways forms of affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing means you can sell other people's stuff without you having to be in charge of delivering or manufacturing the stuff.
Some popular affiliate networks include go daddy, commission junction,, and even Google AdSense. Just make sure to keep in mind that affiliate marketing needs to be worth your effort. Most affiliate marketing programs don't pay nearly what they should so you may only make 20% commissions from them.
A good affiliate marketing program should have leveraged income. When people you sign up have others sign up, you can make money from those sales as well. These are the type of affiliate programs I recommend promoting if you are going through the effort of pinning in order to make money using Pinterest.
If you want more information how to make money online you can visit my blog at []. On this website I show you a great hosting service with built in 100% commission affiliate marketing and an easy to use WordPress hosting. With WordPress hosting you simply place images from your computer and you can redirect traffic from Pinterest.
By Mathew Gunnufson  |  Source

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