
Wednesday 10 May 2017

3 Devastatingly Effective Blog Marketing Strategies For Ultimate Traffic

There are 2 main blog marketing strategies to get maximum traffic! I know I say 3 in the title, but don't worry, I'm splitting one of them into two parts!
The first one is syndication. Essentially, this means finding as many different places that you can to display your blog post, or even just a link back to your post.
This strategy works because obviously, the more places people can find your content, the more volume you'll get back to your blog. And because search engines are always looking for new content, posting your articles everywhere scores points with Google.
The second main strategy is creating a network of marketers to share your content with their people. Basically, you're trying to create as much "social buzz" around your blog as you possible can. This strategy works because you're able to leverage the work of others, plus it creates more social validation for you and your blog.
Which of these blog marketing strategies works better? I personally like syndication, but I'll let you decide for yourself. Here are the strategies:
Blog Marketing Strategies: Syndication
For this one, I'm splitting it into two parts. Obviously there are thousands of places on the net to send your content to, but here are a few of my favorites.
The first strategy is to submit to article directories. These websites host content that people like you and me write and then submit to them. These are great because you can have your entire article out there on the internet for people to find and it never goes away.
Furthermore, you're allowed to create what's called a "resource box" which allows you to have links pointing back to your blog. That creates more traffic, and also shows Google that your post is popular, and they're more likely to display it in the top rankings.
I submit to several different directories, but by far the best one is They are the largest and most trafficked on the internet, plus they keep great statistics to show how your articles are performing.
The second strategy is to post a blurb about your post with a link in niche-related Facebook groups. If you're in network marketing, simply type in "network marketing" in the search bar at the top of Facebook, click "see more results" and then sort by groups. Join as many of these as you want!
This works very well because you know that the people in those groups seeing your blog blurb are extremely targeted. They're virtually all going to be people within your niche!
Blog Marketing Strategies: Social Buzz
The best way, bar none, to get other marketers to share your content is to first share theirs. A lot of bloggers check out who shares their content, and then returns the favor.
Also, be sure to leave a comment on their post, and you can even mention that you shared it. Don't say you want them to share yours too, or it looks like you're just in it for yourself.
So, just head on over to Google and you can search for other blogs in your niche. For network marketing, there are several great tribes on Facebook. These are basically places where people show up and syndicate everyone else's content. Just search for these in the search bar in Facebook, and type in "network marketing tribe" or "MLM tribe". The key here is to share others' content before you post any of your own.
These are easily my 3 favorite blog marketing strategies, and the ones that get me the most traffic! The more you do each of these, the more they compound and snowball on each other until you have a very high trafficked site! I've met marketers that do just these three things (or even just 1 or 2 of them) and have very high ranking blogs.
Your success starts with you, so make it happen!
By Erin P Smith  |  Source

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