
Wednesday 31 May 2017

How To Make Money Selling Your Homemade Items On Your Own Website

Do you have a website that is established and higher in the search engine ranking than most? You can use your own website to begin selling items you create and make money.
If you can create something that is unique, cheap for your to buy, and quick for you to make, then you can make money via your website. Many people think that turning their own website into their Internet business is difficult, but it is actually much easier to do than if you are just starting from scratch. Often, people have skills and are very talented but because it comes easy to them, they do not see it as true talent.
Think about a singer that has a rags to riches story. Some of these singers did not think they could sing very well or thought they were average at best. They never dreamed that the public would actually like them or that they could make money on their voices. However, many have become millionaires from something that comes very natural to them. Do you have a craft such as wood carving that comes easy to you? People love handmade items and will spend extra money on something that is unique as well as skillfully made. Therefore, you can use your website as your Internet business and earn money at the same time.
Many people find that they can indeed earn money online doing something they love and they can work from the comforts of their own home. The Internet has truly changed the way in which people work today. No longer is it necessary to struggle when you have a website, access to the Internet, and skill that you can create, sell the item, and make money. Other people have used the Internet to make money and build a successful Internet business and so can you by using the tools you currently have and begin slowly, you can make a good living working from the comfort of your home.
If you are tired of working for someone else or just want to work online, you can do so by using your current website to sell items that you make yourself. Imagine the pride you will feel when you make money and people actually pay you for something you made. For most people, this is a dream come true, but it happens everyday by simply applying what you have. Look around you home for items that you have made, think about how you can market them on your Internet business and make money working when you want. If your product is really good, you might need to hire someone to help you if you become too busy! You can make your dream come true today! By Stavros Georgiadis  |  Source

Tuesday 30 May 2017

How to Start a Homemade Online Business

What Are The Best Ways To Make Money Online?
CPA Marketing: CPA means for "Cost Per Action". CPA is very simple: you get paid when someone clicks on your affiliate link and complete an action. The "action" can be just about anything, but usually consists of: Filling out a form, Signing up for a free trial, or Buying something.
The Best CPA networks (Instant Approval): CpaLead-CpaGrip-CpaBuild-AdworkMedia.-(Need Approval) Maxbounty-Peerfly.
Affiliate marketing is one of the oldest forms of marketing. Affiliate marketing is an ideal home business because it doesn't require much money to get started, and you don't have produce, stock or ship product inventory, or deliver a service.
The Best Affiliate Programs Clicbank- Amazon- eBay- CJ Affiliate-ShareASale- Affiliate Window- Tradedoubler.
Now if you want to earn money with Affiliate Marketing or CPA Marketing the keyword is Targeted Traffic
Find your niche - Figure out what you're good at or what you want to be good at. You don't need to be an expert right now, but you do need to decide where you're going to fit in if you're at all serious about making serious money.
Build a blogsite - Your blogsite is your virtual home. Without it, you've no place to filter all that traffic and people interested in what you have to say.
Social Media Traffic - Increasing your social media traffic happens when you engage and build relationships on each network. Being readily available for customers, brand loyalists and potential buyers it helps you nurture these people through the purchasing process.
Beware with quick bucks - At the outset, you'll want to do all sorts of things to make money online, but don't sacrifice your morals for a quick buck. Not only will you put people off, but you'll lose Google's trust. You also shouldn't concern yourself with things like AdSense or other ads on a blog before you have around 100,000 visitors per day. Yes, per day.
Create an email list - One of the best ways to make money online is by marketing to an actively interested group of email subscribers. While most people think that email marketing is dead, that's far from the truth. This is your greatest potential source of income online.
PPC ADS - is an internet advertising used to direct traffic to websites, in which an advertiser pays a publisher typically a website owner or a network of websites when the ad is clicked. Pay-per-click is commonly associated with search engines. With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market. In contrast, content sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system. Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter also have pay-per-click as one of their advertising models.

By Ben Rosen  |  Source

Monday 29 May 2017

Saturday 27 May 2017

Women's Choice - Home Business Opportunities

Work from home business opportunities - earn from home. Home business opportunities are in great demand today especially for women and even more so for mothers. I bumped in a good story today about a mother who is earning thousands of dollars per month just by staying at home.
She shared how she could not believe her earnings while still having able to stay at home and take care of her child.
"I was kind of depressed just after I had my first child. I knew I had to stop working because I had to take care of my baby. I became really depressed for about three months. I had no income. Life was hard but when a friend told me to try applying for some online jobs, my life changed. " - Emma Moore.
"I encourage all moms to try work from home business opportunities; you get to take care of your child and earn at the same time. Such a treat! Every mother should try this." - Germane Gil.
These are two real life stories of women who have found delight in working at home. There are so many benefits when you have the advantages that home business opportunities can provide.
Why women should choose home business opportunities!

There are so many women struggling to combine motherhood duties with a career. This struggle ends now. With home job opportunities, more women and mothers will find that they are able to do both duties effectively.
1. No more feelings of guilt
Naturally, women take care of both their husbands and children. When faced with a challenging budget, women are torn between family duties and job tasks. Sometimes there is a guilty feeling of not being able to provide and/or not being able to take care of their family can arise. With home job opportunities, this struggle will end. While taking care of your family, you can also earn while in the comfort of your own home.
2. What matters most
With work from home business opportunities, you do not have to choose between your career and your family. You can do it all. While you can take care of them at home, you can also earn and while spending time with them. This is why women-mothers should choose home jobs.
3. You will save more
The role of saving and budgeting is always given to women. For the most part, it is always hard to budget and more so to save when you hardly have enough money to get by. With this reality at hand, you find yourself guilty about not being able to help with the finances at home. With work from home business opportunities, this struggle ends. You will be able to help with your finances while at home with home business opportunities. Budgeting and saving will be easier and more convenient.
"I am really delighted with the presence of these home business opportunities. My family is more happy and fulfilled. I get to take care of them while earning. No more saggy faces. We are happier. The income that I get is certainly a big add- on to our monthly income." - Gracey Jones
"There is nothing better than owning your own time when you are a mother. Duties run from here and there. You can't let an employer own your time. Some home business opportunities are just perfect for mothers. Right now, I get to tend to my two year old baby; send my seven year old son to school; take care of my husband while earning. I work on my extra time. I am one happy-fulfilled mother," -Rita Knowles.
These are the reasons why women choose to work from home. They are able to fulfill home duties while having the delight of earning more money. Try it now. There are many home business opportunities for you to look at so why not start right now? By Rob Hillman  | Source

Thursday 25 May 2017

Home Business Opportunities - Sell What is in Demand

Many times as people look at home business opportunities they over complicate things. This is especially true when you are looking at using the Internet to make money. One simple concept for making money online is to sell what is in demand. In this article let's talk about how you can create a home business opportunity selling what is in demand.
Already I can hear many of you say, "I do not have a product of my own.That is OK because most people that come on the Internet trying to make money do not have their own product.
If you can keep in mind that people are looking for answers to problems as the number one reason they surf the Internet, then you can create an excellent home business opportunity selling information that solves problems.
You can still do this without having a product of your own by joining affiliate programs. One such program that offers thousands of digital information products is
They have an affiliate program that is free to join and gives you instant access to products in almost every category you can imagine. You can make money selling these products on the Internet without having a website of your own.
One great thing about ClickBank is all of the products that are listed there come with various marketing materials including your own website. This website is coded with your ID number so that you get credit for the sale whenever someone makes a purchase.
You will also have marketing materials such as banners, graphics, email messages, blog articles, and other materials. It gives you the opportunity to promote these on the Internet to people who are looking for information around the product you are selling.
I suggest that home business opportunities that are based on things you have an interest is an excellent place to start. However, there are certain categories that continue to pay well because they have markets where people are spending money.
Examples of these type of markets include weight loss,travel,health and beauty,Internet marketing,cooking,family, and many more. Your goal is to find out what type of questions people have and then target that specific market with a digital information product.
There is a skill to this, but selling what is in demand gives you a better chance to make money online with your own home business opportunity. This is easier than if you were to try and sell something that you have to create the demand for yourself.
By Truby Johnson  |  Source

Tuesday 23 May 2017

How To Make Money Using Pinterest

Do you know how to make money using Pinterest? Most folks just don't know how to make money using this simple tool. Let me show you one particular way you can use the power of Pinterest to make money.
Pinterest is like a huge search engine. Kind of like Google images. People go to Google images looking for search terms that are visual related. For example, Bora Bora island.
People don't use Google images for terms like,"how to fix your leaky bathtub." This is more of a reading or video related search term. Google and YouTube are the most popular search engines for that.
You can pin any images you want on Pinterest. It can be Bora Bora, or it can be your favorite author. It doesn't matter. Just use popular topics that people will want to pin on their own Pinterest photo board.
When someone takes your pin and repins it, the hosting website responsible for this is made into a link from the image. So if someone clicks on the image, they are taken to your website.
So if you wanted visitors to come to your site related to your niche, you want to find images to host on your site related to your niche. When people in Pinterest click on the image, they will be taken to your site. Voila! Instant traffic.
Once you've hosted your images, you can simply go to Pinterest and pin it. Once you've pinned it and it's a popular subject, you will get followers. Those followers will pin your image and your website will be mentioned. This turns into traffic on your website.
Now that you have traffic on your website, you need to make money from it. You can do this with some simple ways forms of affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing means you can sell other people's stuff without you having to be in charge of delivering or manufacturing the stuff.
Some popular affiliate networks include go daddy, commission junction,, and even Google AdSense. Just make sure to keep in mind that affiliate marketing needs to be worth your effort. Most affiliate marketing programs don't pay nearly what they should so you may only make 20% commissions from them.
A good affiliate marketing program should have leveraged income. When people you sign up have others sign up, you can make money from those sales as well. These are the type of affiliate programs I recommend promoting if you are going through the effort of pinning in order to make money using Pinterest.
If you want more information how to make money online you can visit my blog at []. On this website I show you a great hosting service with built in 100% commission affiliate marketing and an easy to use WordPress hosting. With WordPress hosting you simply place images from your computer and you can redirect traffic from Pinterest.
By Mathew Gunnufson  |  Source

Monday 22 May 2017

How To Identify Time Wasting Habits

Don't we all wish we can maximize the effectiveness of every minute of our time?
It is critically important to identify the time wasting habits in our lives, the little seemingly harmless activities that are actually sucking time from us without our knowledge. These are the activities that cause you to wonder at the end of the day, where has all my time gone to?
The first step to correcting your time wasting habits, like all bad habits, is to identify where you have gone wrong. To that end, I urge you to try out this little experiment for a day.
Productivity Journal
Invest in a journal, not just any journal, but a journal that clearly depicts your productive activity. This journal is to be used to help you keep track of your schedule that will lead to you reaching your goal. At the end of every hour or at intervals that better fit your schedule, take notes on what you have done for the past hour.
Make this time log as detailed as possible, indicating exactly how many minutes you spend on each activity in the day. Make every minute accountable.
Busy vs Productive
Look closer, and you will realize how much time you have actually spent in checking your emails, daydreaming, walking to and from your desk, getting coffee or water, accepting unnecessary phone calls, gossiping, spinning your pen on your desk, deciding what to eat for lunch, and a whole bunch of other non-productive related activities.
Once you become conscious of your "A" activity (goal producing activity) vs. "B" activity (busy doing much of nothing), you will probably be so excited at this newfound knowledge that you get addicted to this activity, and at the end of a week, you will have a firm grasp on how to identify your time wasting habits.
Then and only then, would you be able to change your habits and watch all the unproductive activity slowly disappear from your time logs, and finally start having more fruitful and effective days!
So start today, start now, identify your time wasting habits and begin your journey towards a more fulfilling way of life!
Hasheem Francis is the Co-founder and CEO of Built To Prosper Companies. Hasheem Francis is a best selling author, keynote speaker, recognized industry thought leader, and an expert on executive business and leadership development.
By Hasheem Francis   |  Source

Friday 19 May 2017

How To Pack a Punch With A Powerful Headline

You want people to read the content on your website. You've taken a long time to write your latest blog post or article. and you don't want it to go unnoticed. But, when you post it onto social media or send it out to your email list. nobody is clicking on your links to read it. For most readers, it's the headline or title that hooks them in and makes them actually want to read your content.
This is why it's so important to spend some time on every single headline and title that you write. Here are some tips to help you write headlines that pack a punch.
Use A Number
One of the most common headline formats online is to use a number. For instance, "10 Ways To Potty Train Your Toddler Without Tears" or "7 Days to Detox Your Body". This is a popular style in magazines, and it works for a reason - it shows people that there are distinct steps to reach their objective, which makes it easier for them to take action on what you write.
Give A Reason To Click
Every online headline needs to give the reader a reason to click through. Clickbait headlines get people clicking through because they are vague. But this vague style does annoy people. Instead, go for proven methods of teaching your reader how to achieve something. Always include the benefit within the headline in some way.
Create Interest
Write a headline that sparks the interest of your reader. Let's say you were writing a blog post about the raw food diet. Your title could be something like "Thinking Raw Food Diet? Read This First!" This title type of headline hooks readers into the general subject area, but they'd have to click through to learn what the article was really about.
Keep A Swipe File
Keeping a record of titles that get your attention, and then tweak them for completely different topics. For example, "18 Simple Tricks That'll Help You Save for Your Vacation in Half the Time!" could be turned into "9 Little Known Tricks to Help You Sell Your House in One Week!" As you can see, the titles are completely different, but the first gave the inspiration for the second.
It'll take practice to improve your titles, but it's well worth it. Spending just a few minutes extra on each headline you write could pay off big time when it comes to attracting online traffic!

Writing for an online audience is very different from writing for an offline audience. Throw out your traditional old-school writing rules and discover the easier and faster way to connect with your audience.
By Jon Allo  |  Source

Thursday 18 May 2017

Learning How to Use a WordPress Blog For Your Business

People blog everyday. Internet marketers blog for money almost 60% of their time online. It is pretty obvious that blogging has become a part of everyday life and people are seeing the opportunity to use this leisure activity for money. But blogging for profit requires knowledge and skills on how to use the blog of your choice. For example, if we are to look at WordPress, many bloggers do not know how to make money out of their WordPress blogs or WordPress web sites because they do not have the knowledge of all features that are available to them. In order to be able to succeed in earning profits through blogging, the first thing you need to do is to learn how to use it to its full potential.
Why is this important? Should not learning about your niche, product, and other internet marketing lessons come first? Well, no matter how much you have gained in terms of knowledge on internet marketing and blogging, you will never succeed if you do not know how to use your blog properly. Many people make this mistake when using WordPress and/or other web platforms, which is why it is important to download a WordPress home study course or watch a WordPress video tutorial before anything else. The money will just come flowing into your account once people see that your blog is one of the most interesting reads on the World Wide Web. Bloggers want millions of readers from all over the world to read their blog, so if you want to be a part of this and actually make that dream come true, start developing a strategic internet marketing plan that will help you earn money through WordPress.
But with so many WordPress tutorial products being sold in the market, how will a blogger or a web designer with no experience and no knowledge on blogging for profit be able to succeed? Though you will find more useful information from the chosen product you have decided to buy online, here are some tips to help you get started:
  • Research and make a list of the top WordPress tutorial products that you think will help you understand perfectly how to use WordPress and most importantly how to make money out of it. The search engines are there at a click of a button so start searching now!
  • Look for the product that uses the simplest language in explaining what WordPress is all about and how to use it. This is very important because these products care about how difficult learning WordPress can be, so if you are a beginner, this tip is going to come really handy for you.
Do not just settle for the WordPress guide. See if the author offers updates on video or print and subscribe to those updates either through e-mail or RSS feeds. Blogging, though a virtual activity, changes with the times so it is important that you know the latest techniques before other bloggers do.
By Z. MacKinnon   |  Source

Wednesday 17 May 2017

How to Use Blogger to Boost Your Paid Survey Money is a free and good platform for blogging. And lots of people use this platform to make money online. Normally they use AdSense and Affiliate programs to monetize their blog, but you can also use this platform to increase your paid survey money. Blogger allows you to sell anything and advertise anything on its blog without any cost.
So, how will you boost your survey money by using blogger?
Here are the steps:
1. Pick out survey sites which have good referral systems:
There are dozens of legitimate paid survey sites which have good referral systems; you just need to make a list of those sites. Some sites like Cash Crate and Treasure Trooper offer you up to 20% earning of your direct referrals and 10% for your indirect referrals. If you increase your referral number, then this a little percentage give you plenty of money. In long term, your referrals will make money for you.
2. Create a blog on
Create your free blog on and choose something dark as your template. But don't use black color. Post 4 - 5 articles about paid surveys so that your visitor can believe on you and your offers. And put your referral links on sidebar as well as in your articles on your blog.
3. Use banner ads:
Some sites allow you to advertise them with banner ads. Banner ads give you two types of benefits. First, people love pictures and banner ads make your blog picture rich. And the second advantage is it encourages your visitors to visit your preferred site.
4. Promote your blog:
Now your blog is completed you need to promote your blog in order to get referrals. Try these super tactics to get targeted visitors for paid surveys:
  • Write a few articles about paid surveys and submit them to all major article directories. Don't forget to add your blog URL in your resource box.
  • Post ads in 'internet business' category on free classifieds.
  • Refer all your friends on Facebook and MySpace to your blog.
  • Use Orkut to promote your blog. Orkut is a social networking site, but it is not famous as Facebook and Myspace. But also it has millions of user worldwide. It offers you to promote anything for free. Your ads will appear in front of your friends. So, make as many friends as you can and Orkut will promote your ads.
You can also use tweets to get referrals. Once you have built a good amount of visitors on your blog, you will get lots of referrals. And all of these tactics will not cost you anything. But if you invest a little time on these, your survey money will dramatically increase.

By Alan Sahu   |  Source

Monday 15 May 2017

Using A Blog Post To Pitch Your Product To Customers

In today's connected world, the combination of Internet-enabled smartphones, search engines and social networking tools, have transformed the way people communicate. This communication shift has also changed the way how people learn about a product, conduct market research, and make purchase decisions.
As a result, we have moved from the traditional sales-driven cycle to a more buyer-driven cycle. Think of it like this:
Imagine a sold-out sports arena packed with fans. In the traditional sales-driven cycle, you were standing in the middle of the field hawking your wares, while the people in the stands were your prospects, waving to get your attention. In today's buyer-driven cycle, the person standing in the middle of the field is the buyer, while you are just one of the many sellers in the stands, trying to attract the distracted buyer's attention.
As just a tiny dot in the crowd of sellers, you'll have to use the right online marketing tools to stand out from the crowd, earn the customer's trust and win their business. This is where product blogging can help you.
What is a product blog post?
A product blog post is a short promotional article about a product or service, which is posted on an Internet blog. They are designed to generate publicity and get your targeted audience talking. Such online promotional content also provides information about a product, and usually includes details about a product's features, specifications, uses, advantages, price and availability. In addition, some product blog posts may also contain photos and 'follow' links, to boost search engine rankings.
Paid blog posts are usually written in three styles:
  • The Review Style (I vs Their): This sort of article writing uses the 'first person', and usually involves a positive review of the product/service from the 'satisfied customer' angle.
  • The Seller Style (You vs Our): This type of product blogging uses the 'second person', and generally involves convincing a customer to buy a product, from the seller's perspective.
  • The Media Style (Company ABC): This form of writing uses the 'third person', and talks about the product from the 'news media' standpoint. This is the most preferred form of product blogging, for most businesses.
A product blog post is especially needed when you are launching a new product or service, and require strong exposure to get noticed by your targeted audience. They not only help you pass on product information and generate publicity, but also get people to talk about you online.
It can be quite difficult to convince popular bloggers on Technorati to write a blog post to promote your product. This is where a paid-blog post from a company offering professional product blogging services can help. What's more, such paid articles also offer incoming links and are search engine optimised, and can hence boost your SEO rankings, immensely.

Get high quality paid product blog posts at, to generate publicity for your new product or service. The content created by our writers is more than just a collection of remarkable sounding words, we help develop powerful business content that also works as a tool for lead generation. Our product blogging services are quite easy to use, you just need to email us your requirements, and we'll get back to you shortly.

By Denize Rodricks  |  Source

Sunday 14 May 2017

Saturday 13 May 2017

3 Components Of A Great Blog Post

Composing a great blog post starts with keeping your focus on satisfying your readers! It is vitally important to remember there is a seemingly infinite amount of other blogs to read online so your priority is to keep visitors happy! In fact failure to maintain your focus on what people what to see when composing new updates can very well result in wasting both your time and effort! I doubt you'd want to waste either!
Let's have a look at 3 important components you'll want to be mindful of when posting updates to keep your readers happy and coming back!
Avoid 'Personal' Interests
Following your own passion works well for the sake of helping you keep your focus however if your readers aren't interested you're wasting time! Choose a topic that holds interest for others and avoid trying to get these people interested in personal passions of yours since this won't work! Remember there are plenty of blogs to read on the internet so if what you offer is NOT what people are looking for, kiss them goodbye!
Know of What You Speak
Research is vitally important and something a good blogger does daily! Whether you're looking for material to write about or are checking facts and figures, research plays a very important role in your success! Credibility is where it's at when it comes to being considered a good blogger and delivering accurate information is the best start!
Add a Dose of You
Whether you inject humor, perspectives or opinions allow your personal 'reactions' to flow as you compose any new updates! Everybody has a unique view as well as their own unique way of delivering both the subject matter and their personal views! Do not fight but rather embrace the urge to be simply YOU when composing updates! Many people are especially attracted to HOW the content is delivered and even use this 'criteria' when choosing what blogs to read so go ahead and unleash a little personality! This will always help you stand out from the rest!
The best place to start when composing any great blog post is to be especially mindful of what it is your readers want! One of the best ways to determine this is by visiting forums and finding other blogs to read that concentrate on the same topic as yours! Listen to what people are saying and/or asking to give you the best idea of what your focus needs to be on when writing content! The 3 components discussed above need to be included or at least considered every time you author any new updates! Remember if you want to attract and retain visitors, what you offer needs to appeal to them and not simply reflect a personal interest of yours! And for heaven's sake always check to be sure what you are ready to publish contains fact and as already mentioned, a little bit of 'personality' when appropriate!
By TJ Philpott  |  Source

Friday 12 May 2017

Choosing a 'Great' Blog Name

If you are keen to set up a new blog you are probably already aware of the most difficult part of the process... deciding what to call your blog.
At worst, a bad name will put people off ever going to your blog, while a great name will mean people are more likely to engage with you and revisit your site again and again and again.
I come across all sorts of blog names in my search travels that you may, or may not, find inspiring:
  • some unusual "Alcatraz Gardens",
  • some funny "Chook Minder's Quill",
  • some clever "Paris (im) perfect",
  • some self-deprecating "Dear Stupid Blog",
  • some nonsensical "Flibbertygibbet",
  • some straightforward, "Memoirs of a Food and Travel Addict",
  • and some rather snappy, "The Pop Cop".
We have all heard some good advice for choosing a name that is unique, creative, descriptive and memorable. Which is your favourite blog name? I think the most successful name of the above examples is "Paris (Im)perfect", short and attention-grabbing but has some meaning to it beyond the obvious.
Put simply, I think the common factor of the greatest blog names are those that give me, a new reader, an instant insight into the person behind the blog before I have even visited the blog.
Chris G. points out that naming a blog with the SEO formulaic domain name of "keyword+blog" is in the long term a disingenuous strategy, people don't search for 'anything blog' unless they are looking for your blog already and, let's face it, you are not going to come across as all that likable if you are only after search rankings.
Google is also onto the old keyword domain stratagem, saying that they will reduce the ranking power they once had over other domain names.
Also don't think you can get around having a domain name that is search engine optimised with keyword laden terms and then having a different blog name on the page itself. Having a different blog name to your domain name is confusing for searchers who only remember one or the other.
Instead, put SEO on the backbench and build a blog name as a brand name. Aaron Wall from SEO book has long since noticed that Google likes strong brands. A great blog name has character. And with a good brand comes loyal regular readership and ultimately steady reliable advertising revenue. Most of all have fun choosing a name that reflects what you are about not just what you want to rank for (everything in good balance though).
The advice of an SEO hero for the blog naming process: put yourself in the position of someone who has never visited your site, would you go there based just on the blog name and would you be able to go back there easily should you like what you find?
If Alexander had a blog what would he have named it in order to put it on the path to victory?
By Freddy Naged   |  Source