
Monday 31 July 2017

75 Twitter Marketing Tactics (51-75)

In this video, you will learn 25 twitter marketing tactics that will get you more engagement, followers, website traffic and brand trust from your audience. The video will be covering things such as why you should thank your followers, what times of day you should tweet, why you should connect Twitter to other social profiles and much more. Enjoy the Twitter marketing strategies, tips and tricks in the video!

Sunday 30 July 2017

Branding Your Home Business Online

Branding likewise regulates longevity. A visitor to your web site may buy a single product, only to never come back, but if you've formulated a strong brand based around originality, trust and calibre, that buyer is likely to remember you and come back to your site time and time again. In a lot of ways, constructing a net brand is the most control you'll ever have in respect to your customer base. With a strong brand, you may cover more ground in less time than even the most far-flung marketing campaign. Individuals have to trust you, and in order to set the wheels in motion; you have to develop an unparalleled brand on a firm platform. It's probable that you already have a product or service in mind, and without doubt, you're excited about introducing it to the globe.
By producing a brand of your own, you'll be able to get a greater level of exposure for your line of products, by becoming memorable in the brain of your target buyer base. But it has to go deeper than simply a net personality. You have to combine your net brand with a cohesive business plan that includes prompt buyer support, quality products, a strong sales system and a clear-cut message. You need individuals to associate your brand with favorable influences, and if you do that, your brand will become among your most useful assets. There are a number of ways to begin building your net brand, including:
Your domain name will become your key point headquarters, and you need to pick one that really reflects your overall business focus. By integrating keywords that describe your brand or company, you'll be able to establish a net presence fast, while protecting your brand in the process. When registering your DNS that will directly tie into your net brand, consider the extended possibilities of other domains that may be perceived as associated to your own, and register those too. If you take a good approach to building your internet brand, you'll wish to do all that you may to protect it, like registering similar domain names and those with alternate extensions (.org, .net, etc)
A lot of marketers who begin to develop their net brand neglect this believing that as long as they've the top-level domain that centers on their brand, they're protected. This is anything but real. Consider companies like Apple or Amazon. They both began centering on branding as a way of entry to the market. They both had existing rivals and had to wedge themselves into the market by taking another approach. Branding was in all sense, the major focus of their campaigns and the one thing that basically helped them get their foot into the door. You're aware of cyber squatters, individuals who purposely register domain names that may potentially infringe on somebody's brand. A lot of times, these cyber squatters are really able to win their day in court, and go on to retain the domain names in spite of that somebody produced a brand around it. You need to do your part to protect a brand that you intend to spend the time and sweat building. It doesn't cost a lot of cash to register multiple domain names that bear your brand's keywords and it will provide you far more control over your brand in the time to come.
Naturally, it's impossible to register all variances of your brand's association (keywords, etc) but you ought to at the very least consider registering all popular extensions that individuals might assume you control. Depending upon your overall focus, you ought to consider hiring out the production of a unique logo to represent your brand and company. You need to choose one that's original and includes elements that will be both memorable and professional. Outsource the design to a knowledgeable graphic artist, and be a big part of the development process. Send over your own concepts and thoughts, and work with them to produce an original design that will symbolize your company and brand.
This is far and away, one of the simplest ways to produce an ever-lasting impression on your target audience. Consider all the company logos that resonate with you personally. You directly identify a company by its logo and if they've done their job at integrating quality within their brand, you'll likewise associate each future product or service they release as being even as good as their flagship product. Colors may likewise become a part of a brand awareness campaign. From Cokes red to Pepsi's blue, colors are frequently an easy way of tying an extremely memorable element to your brand.
You wish people to consciously associate high quality, exceptional value and fantastic client service to your brand and therefore, each product or service you release in the time to come will be included under your brand's umbrella. Promos
Your sales copy will directly exemplify your brand, and the tone, voice and total direction you take ought to work toward further building brand recognition and awareness as well as brand recall. With brand awareness, your target audience will merely recognize the brand as yours. It doesn't imply that your market will prefer your brand, see your brand as favorable or associate value to your brand, merely that they'll know it. With brand recall, your target audience will be able to tie in your brand immediately, to particular components (industry, keywords, product or service type, and so forth). You have to build both brand awareness and brand recall into each campaign you produce, and your sales page copy and promotions will play a big part in formulating this recognition.
This implies that you need to be careful to introduce your brand in a favorable way. You lack to avoid hype filled sales pages, or not being able to accomplish your promises or offers to your buyer base. This ought to go without saying, but it's among the leading causes of a brand becoming associated with either favorable or damaging associations, and it's frequently among the most overlooked factors to brand building. Consider how you wish your message to be carried and how you wish your total brand to be perceived, and then produce your promo campaigns so that they represent your brand in the finest way possible. Avoid competing with absurd offers, or feeling as if the only way to earn attention is by going over the top with your campaign contents and ads.
Rather, use storytelling, construct favorable brand awareness, and back your product's offer on a strong foundation so that your brand is constantly working to benefit you in the long haul. Remember, constructing a brand is all about longevity, and being able to tap into your target market so that you're able to systematically build your net empire simply with favorable reinforcement and a reputation for caliber and value.
By Thomas Howland  |  Source

Saturday 29 July 2017

How To Create an Email Marketing Campaign

Your First Email Marketing Campaign
Congratulations! So you've started your business and now you are thinking of landing your first contact. You heard money is in the list and you are now thinking of creating a list of prospective clients for future marketing purposes. Or perhaps you haven't created your first contact but you intend to start a list.
The thought sounds exciting and adventurous until you discover that you can lose those hard earned contacts and worse, you could be criminally charged for spamming or sending unsolicited emails on the internet. Most of us are unaware that there are laws that prohibit businesses sending unsolicited emails on the internet and we become liable when we do the wrong thing.
In this article, I will show you how to create an email campaign without putting you or your business at risk. You will develop what is called a "whitelist" which means a list of authorized contacts while maximizing your earning potential through lead generation. You will also learn what is email marketing, how to build your first authorized email list, how to create autoresponders, and how to use email marketing as the premier tool for success in your business. Let's start with sending a clear message...
Sending Loud and Clear
Let us say that you have never sent an email before and you are thinking of introducing your products and services to potential buyers. The first impression is always the best foot inside the door of any business. Therefore you want to ensure that an introductory letter is prepared. This should be brief and highlight the features and benefits of your business to the prospect.
Once your letter is prepared, make sure it is edited properly before sending it to your contacts. Depending on the nature of your business, you should target people who would be interested in your offer. In order to determine this, you could look at the yellow pages within your neighborhood or community,
After you have identified your market you are now ready to make your first communication with them. This communication is referred to as an email marketing campaign, but first, we need to seek permission from these contacts. Many would ask the question: "what is email marketing"? We will now look at how an Email Marketing Campaign aids in this communication...
Email Marketing Campaign
This form of communication is one of the best ways to communicate effectively with your contacts. It is a planned and organized way of sending emails, newsletters, updates or marketing information to your customers and prospects in a timely manner.
Time-based emails are normally automated and sensitive. Sending an email at the wrong time could negatively impact the desired response. On the other hand, sending emails regularly and on a timely basis could improve the possibility of future business between parties.
With that being said, there are 4 important things to look for in an effective email marketing campaign.
  1. Who is sending the email- It is legally mandated that contact information is affixed to your email campaign. This adds credibility to your message and creates trust about your business.
  2. Content- This form of communication is different from ordinary emails because it is specific to your business. Whether you are sending a newsletter, or you are informing your contacts about an offer or promotion, it must be clear in your mail.
  3. Action- Your email must have an action at the end for it to be effective. These actions are normally linked to a sales page, an offer or a giveaway. If one is sending a newsletter, it must be very informative and entertaining. It should highlight community happenings, events or notices.
  4. Opt In Features- Unfortunately, there could be a time when your contact is no longer interested in your offers or business. He or she should have an option to exit your program. It is mandated by law to have your unsubscribe button at the end of your email marketing campaigns.
Authorized Recipients
Now that you have ascertained who to send these emails to, you are ready to dispatch them. Your list should have contact persons who agreed to receive your first emails. Once the client agrees, you should create a template email that indicates you recently received permission to send emails. After the prospective customer receives and clicks the "subscribe" link in the email, they are automatically added to your list.
You can build various lists within your email marketing account. This enables you to send relevant offers and information to each list, for example, "work from home list" "employed list" "students list" "Customers list" "Prospect list" and so on.
If you did not get permission, in the beginning, you should not send an email marketing campaign until you at least first communicate with your prospective contact.
The purpose of this preliminary exercise is to reduce the likelihood of unsubscribed contacts on your list. Although you cannot control when someone decides to unsubscribe from your program, there is an accepted ratio that will not send a red flag to your email marketing providers.
If there are too many unsubscribes and spam report, your account could be terminated or BLOCKED. Therefore, it is reiterated and advisable that you get permission prior to sending your first email marketing campaign.
When you have satisfied the above requirement and are ready to send your emails, you will be asked some questions by the provider. This is a further attempt to advise you of the laws of email marketing and also to ensure policies are adhered to with respect to a method you used in garnering your first contact list. In addition, it is an opportunity to welcome you to the email marketing program.
Now that you have satisfied the above criteria, you are ready to send your first email marketing campaign. However, after sending your first campaign, there is no need to manually time and follow through. Setting up an email marketing campaign allows you to set the time and frequency of trigger emails. These trigger mails are called autoresponders.
Autoresponders are time-sensitive emails that are sent out automatically to your contact list. The purpose of this smart way of communicating is to keep your list updated and fresh. It also provides life to your business as it triggers a follow up once someone receives, opens or reads your emails. You can always change how you want your autoresponders to be sent.
Your email marketing plan should allow you to create signup forms which could be embedded on your website. The smart way to build contacts is to affix your email marketing link in your personal email. Please be reminded that it MUST have an opt-in link to allow the subscriber to enter or leave your program at any time. THIS IS MANDATORY.
The key to a successful email campaign is to keep your emails unique, short and very informative. Always remember to communicate your intentions with a link to solicit further actions. Once you set a time for the email to be sent, you will be able to get feedback. Let's use similar initiative to review the entire purpose of email marketing.
We have looked at how to create an email marketing campaign by preparing for the first authorized recipients of the campaign. We further looked at creating an effective autoresponder and now we will need a feedback from our program to tweak our marketing efforts.
Fortunately, most email marketing software have tracking capabilities similar to Google analytics. This tells you the demography, affinity, and habits of your target markets. The software also indicates who opens your email, unsubscribe or take action by clicking on a link and so on. Having reviewed all the relevant details of the work that you put into your email marketing campaign, you will be able to change your timing, improve your product information, or increase your list to improve your chances of conversion in the future.
Your company's Email Marketing campaign should set the pace for your business expansion while you concentrate on another aspect of your business. The good thing about email marketing is that when the entity is not open for business, email marketing is still open 24/7. That is the beauty about online marketing and technology.
Jon Oringer once quoted: "The best ways of marketing were email and banner advertising, but I needed images... and they were very expensive."
Today most of our email marketing plans are equip with free images and templates. Combine all in your email marketing platform and create magic!
One reader once sent this message: "So here I was browsing this website and after couple seconds, a contact form jumped out at me, I just couldn't resist! Pretty smart, right?"
By Osric Griffiths  |  Source

Friday 28 July 2017

How to Create a Website from Scratch in Under 10 Minutes!

Lazy stoner Jay shows you how to easily create an awesome looking website in under 10 minutes for only a few bucks!

A lot of people think that building a site has to be complicated or expensive but that simply isn't true... this video will show you exactly how to create a website from scratch in under ten minutes without the need for any special software or programming knowledge.

Thursday 27 July 2017

Reasons for Making Mobile Marketing Your Priority

In the marketing arena, marketers are always on the lookout for great things that will keep them ahead of their competitors in the market. You do not have to worry anymore because the solution lies in your purse or the pocket. We are living in an era where mobile marketing is bringing forth a tremendous opportunity for marketers to a greater level. Cell phones help the marketer to reach wider audiences in real time and on a personal level, which is a different engagement you cannot find in other communication channels.
Significance of Mobile Marketing to Businesses
According to the recent most statistics, almost all customers own a mobile device. Seventy percent of the customers have a mobile phone, seventy-five percent own a laptop, and fifty-five percent own a tablet. At least seventy percent of this population uses their mobile devices for accessing the internet and not the laptop. With an increase in the population of smartphone users, the number of devices in the world exceeds the current population.
Using the mobile device is the most viable option, and marketers need to make adjustments towards this medium as many users possess these devices. The extensive use of mobile devices among customers is a growing and crucial part of the market. It helps in unlocking the potential held in the massive, captive, expanding, and engaged audience.
Nowadays, many companies are taking the full advantage of this option as it is the new thing in the market. In case your brand is not in mobile marketing, you need to make sure that you get a bandwagon as your competitor will leave you behind. Below are some reasons as to why businesses have to give priority to mobile marketing.
Social media offers a platform for adverts
Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms have understood the potential that resides in mobile marketing. They have recognized this potential and have evolved their adverts platforms for you to target mobile customers efficiently. All you need to do is clicking a button to start. This change will take a few minutes if you use social media marketing.
Mobile Advertising Reaches New and Broad Audiences
The number people who are using mobile advertising exclusively are increasing. If your business is not using mobile advertising, then you are not going to reach your target audience and potential customers.
Retailers are Getting Mobile Arrangements Wrongly
The news around nowadays shows how retailers are struggling to keep their profit margins high as a result of poor returns. Most retailers have taken their employees and shareholders by surprise in recent years because of a massive decrease in sales and net profits. Such companies view mobile marketing and e-commerce as an option when they are planning their budget. However, despite the vast opportunities the channel gives, the retailers struggle in investing in mobile marketing which makes them fall into the rat race of dwindling sales and profits.
Mobile Devices are Growing Online Growth
With improving internet infrastructure and escalating smartphone penetration in the world, mobile devices have become a primary method that consumers use as a gateway to accessing the internet. Recent research shows that internet access by use of smartphones is a daily action for more than 83% of all users in the world.
Google Advice Retailers to Use Mobile Marketing
The main reason that will make you start mobile advertising is the Google Mobilegeddon update which penalizes websites which have not begun to put mobile marketing into consideration. Your site has to be easy to browse and responsive on mobile devices. In simple terms, your site will get a slap from Google by going down in the search engine ranks. These penalties are getting stricter with time, and your company has to take necessary measures before feeling the impact.
It is Personal
It is hard to get brand close to the audiences when you are doing it behind a computer. Using mobile devices is however different. These devices are special accessories which people carry along at all times. They provide a different physical aspect as compared to other media.
This form of marketing is personalised because it allows retailers get closer to consumers. You will have a high chance of converting these people into high-paying customers. For now, mobile marketing is in the market to stay, and researchers say that it will be gaining momentum as time goes. Businesses and firms that are waiting will find it hard to get on board making them spend a lot of money.
You Have the Chance Of Hitting Them Time and Again
In case your strategy is targeting desktops, you need to put in mind that there is a possibility that your audience is also using mobile devices. Therefore, it might take a few attempts to reach and resonate with customers. In case you miss the laptop chance, use the smartphone to get him/her and convert the viewer.
It is Getting Costlier With Time
Facebook advertising is the best example when looking at what might happen in the event an advertising method has grown in popularity. Costs have continued rising in the recent past for no good reason. However, you might attribute it to the increase in the market competition.
The mobile marketing space is similar; you will have to engage it now or later. It is advisable to do it now because tasting costs are quite affordable than wait for the future when you will have to break the bank before gaining any return.
Mobile Advertising Opens Up Possibilities and Virtual Realities
Including exciting technologies such as virtual reality will make mobile ads more useful and engaging. The vast options show that it is easy to make a profit from this channel. Therefore, you need to understand that there exists an opportunity for all businesses in all industries.
Mobile Marketing is Large and Has Taken Charge
Recently mobile advertising had gone back to face to face mode of shopping. When the internet became populous, the mobile has once again hit the market spending a lot by the use of mobile devices. Research says that by 2018, more than 25% of business profits will be coming from mobile devices. Therefore, mobile advertising is a modest way of ensuring you get profit as people are always ready to purchase via their smartphones.
By Joshua Osore  |  Source

Wednesday 26 July 2017

5 Steps to an eBay Store

EbayFive copy_475.jpg
eBay has been one of the few internet business that have grown at an exponential rate over the years.
No matter if the brand is an already well established brand or a new entrepreneur, everyone that the help of eBay in attracting more customers towards its company.
One of the reasons why eBay is growing so fast is that it accommodates businessmen in a lot of ways from allowing them to make banking arrangements to committed customer support.
eBay owns a massive customer base so any product-based business would flourish on it and due to its high client base, your products would be exposed to a vast customer range.
Why should we be using an online auction site such as eBay? Mainly because it is available at low costs, it is exposed to a large customer market and the transactions are pretty easy and convenient.
As any business, success would only come to you if you work smartly and effectively. Choosing products that are in high demand in the market and targeting the correct customer market are the only ways through which you can assure the success of your business.
Apart from numerous, other strategies and steps through which your effective eBay store is guaranteed, following are the five steps which, if worked on properly, would lead to an effective store.
1. The very first thing is to set up an account. To do so, you need to provide your bank details for them to verify your account. After that you need to decide on the mode of payment meaning how you would want your customers to pay you.
2. The second and the most essential part of setting up your store is the preparation of your items for sale. In preparing your products you need to keep in mind the demand of your product and the price of your product. See the market trends and then set a list accordingly. Make sure to check the list of prohibited items on eBay and then start your product selection.
3. Once your products are selected, start preparing lists of your items. A sales brochure should be created having a complete and catchy description along with a picture of the product would do the job.
4. The mode of payment should be selected. PayPal is often the most preferable one, as it provides a complete payment system. Your sales would tend to be higher if you have a PayPal payment mode option.
5. Make sure to receive the payments before dispatching of the products. Once all the thing ends, both the buyer and the seller should leave a feedback on how their experience was. Try to get as many positive feedbacks as possible as that would help you in building a good reputation amongst your competitors.
Before starting off your business make sure to study all the ground realities that are there related to your products. Another important factor that directly influences your store sales and reputation is how you present your store. A store with an elegant and professional look would always attract more customer traffic as these things would help build the customer's trust in you. More the trust, higher would be your sales.
The above mentioned 5 steps would help you to build an effective and successful ebay store or get services from custom ebay template Shop design.
By Yasir M Chohan  |  Source

Tuesday 25 July 2017

75 Twitter Marketing Strategies (26-50)

In this video, you will learn 25 twitter marketing strategies that will get you more engagement, followers, website traffic and brand trust from your audience. The video will be covering things such as why you should thank your followers, what times of day you should tweet, why you should connect Twitter to other social profiles and much more. Enjoy the Twitter marketing strategies, tips and tricks in the video!

Monday 24 July 2017

Search Engine Optimisation - Understanding Key SEO Terms

If you have your own website, you will have come across the term 'search engine optimisation'. The problem is that for many of us, the language of search engine optimisation (SEO) is unfamiliar and perhaps a little scary. There's no doubt that a good SEO strategy is vital for a successful web presence, but how do you know how to implement one unless you know what the terminology means? In order to de-mystify the language of SEO, here's a brief guide to some key SEO terms that you may have heard in relation to updating your website in order to boost your search engine rankings. Remember that having optimised content on your website is essential to perform well in search engines such as Google, so make sure that you get your SEO right, whether you do it yourself or hire a professional SEO company to do it for you.
Key words and phrases
Before you carry out any SEO on your website, you need to identify the key phrases that are most likely to attract the right kind of visitors. Your aim is to convert visitors into sales, so you need to make sure that your website can be found when people search for terms related to your industry. This first stage in your SEO strategy needs to be right; if you're using phrases that aren't really relevant to the products or services you're offering, then regardless of how many hits your website is getting, you're not going to turn any of those visitors into purchasers.
Page URL
Your URL should be different for every page on your website, in order to give the search engines a clear idea of what content can be found on each individual page. Your page URLs will be your domain name followed by a forward slash and some descriptive text (preferably key words). So for a page on your website that focuses on, say, leaflet design, your URL for that page should look like this: This URL clearly indicates to the search engines what content can be found on that page of your website.
Meta Titles
Search engines will look at your meta titles to help decide what category your provision falls into. Your meta title should provide a description in a set of 3 or so phrases and will show in search engine results (and provide the clickable link through to your site) and will also be displayed at the top of the computer screen when visitors are browsing that page. You should use your meta title to show what your company is called, what products or services are promoted on that web page and maybe also the area in which you are based. For example: UK Graphic Design | Print Design Services | Leaflet Design | Your company name
Meta Description
When you do a search on the internet, you'll notice that under the meta title, there are 2 lines of text that provide a further description to the content on that specific web page. This is your meta description and the search engines will use this to decide how relevant your site is to the search terms used - a good meta description can really help to drive quality traffic to your site, so make sure you write this well! You should incorporate your key phrases that are relevant to the page content in your meta description and also use it to promote your products or services.
Meta Keywords
Meta keywords don't have the same importance in your SEO strategy as they used to, but it will do you absolutely no harm to include them anyway. You will have already identified your keywords and phrases at the outset of your SEO campaign, so use these in your website's code to solidify your site's relevance and value.
H1 Tag
The main heading on your website should be formatted as a H1 tag and you should use the keywords or phrase that most closely applies to the content on that page. The copy in your H1 tag will be used by the search engines to index your site and decide whether your website page is relevant to searchers.
Hyperlinks are internal links to other parts of your website - they help with user navigation and are another powerful SEO tool. Don't use ambiguous terms like 'click here' as your hyperlink, because it won't tell the search engines anything - instead use phrases like 'ask us about our leaflet design services', which give both the user and the search engines clear information about where the link leads.
Hopefully this article will give you a clearer idea about the meaning and application of some of the most common SEO terms. If you're looking for help with your website SEO or internet marketing strategy, there are hundreds of professional SEO companies around who can help - do your own internet search and see how they have implemented some of these key SEO strategies for their own websites!
By Steve Mackie  |  Source

Sunday 23 July 2017

15 Infallible Ways to Increase Your Followers in Different Social Media Platforms in an Instant

Social Media has become a global phenomenon which has made millions and millions of people worldwide to be engrossed in its use, but for a social media page to be a booming success especially in the world of entrepreneurship; one has to exhaust all the efforts to attract loyal followers. Here are some of the most valuable recommendations on how to make this possible:
Market Yourself
Obviously, the very first thing to do is to encourage and persuade people to follow you and what best way to do this is simply to "ask them to follow you". This could be effectively done by making your page available in social media pages so social media aficionados will no longer take too much time to look for your profile. This can be done in ways such as:
· Provide the links in your profile that will lead directly to your website's homepage.
· Express your sincere intent to connect with your subscribers in social media by sending them relevant emails.
· Integrate your social media profile links with your email signature.
· When you distribute business card, make sure that you incorporate the social media profile usernames
Appropriate Setting up of Profiles
It is important to mull over about a lot of things when you are initially setting up your profiles for the purpose of increasing the number of social media followers; here are some important details to consider:
· THE SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES TO BE USED. People are currently on the craze of joining the bandwagon and try to be in almost all social networking sites because they want to generate a huge number of online followers. This is not actually advised because monitoring and maintaining the number of followers would be quite daunting. CHOOSE FEW BUT POWERFUL SOCIAL MEDIA SITES that is more suitable for your business. Some of the most dominant sites are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram; whichever ever way you want to promote your brand, there are appropriate social media sites to be of use.
· ESTABLISH YOUR PROFILE NAME. When you use different profile names for each of the social media sites you are into, it would be difficult to gather followers because they would be confused. Even if people would like to follow your profile in other social media platforms, they will eventually give up if your profile is very difficult to find.
· USE ONE UNIQUE AVATAR. The avatar you use in your profile is what defines your page and sets you apart from the others. They will be part of your identity and it is strongly advised that you use the one avatar for each of your profile on the different social media platforms. Since the avatar is your identity, DO NOT LEAVE THE AVATAR EMPTY.
· PROVIDE A DETAILED BUT CONCISE DESCRIPTION. Provide people with what you want to convey about your business. Express in detail what your business can do for them and why they should follow your page, this way they will be compelled to click your website link and learn more about your brand and what benefits you will be able to offer them.
Social Media Page Automation
Fact is, social media is not at all totally automated, and you really have to log in every time you want to make new posts or upload files and photos. But, there are fail-safe ways to automate your social media page; one can make use of services like the HOOTSUITE and BUFFER to have a scheduled posting of images, text posts and links based on your preferred date and time. WordPress plugins may also be installed so that it could automatically send blog post links.
Automation greatly helps in establishing a powerful social media presence because through automated posts makes your brand reach more people even when you are not logged in 24/7. But make sure that you also have time to log in and share some of the posts and content from other people in the social media sites who also share your posts. Take time for some online conversations as well.
Follower Engagement.
Personal presence on social media sites does not really have to be done by the business owner, but having a team to do the posting and communicate with the followers would be more effective in generating more social media followers. People get more interested when there are real live people they can converse with rather than just generated automated messages appearing regularly on their pages. This is basically why they call it social media because people should socialize with real people. Remember that in the business world, you do not just sell your brand; you also sell yourself and your company. Adding personal touch to engage with the potential clients is far more effective than 100% automation. It is very important to customers that if they have some queries or complaints, there are real people they can communicate with. Customers would feel that they are valued by your business, when they receive acknowledgements for their comments by giving them credit through you page or by posting a personalised blog about them. Make them feel your genuine presence and people to will be interested to follow your site.
Acknowledge Other People's Content by Sharing and Liking them
Spend at least 15 minutes or a little more to read other people's posts and comment or like the valuable and relevant social media content they post because this can encourage follower engagement and eventually generate more followers due to the following reasons:
· People always prefer a symbiotic relationship; when they feel and know that you took time to comment and share their posts, it means that you spent some time for them. When this happens, most likely they would return the favour and share your content with their own audiences, making your brand reach more people.
· People and followers of those posts that you shared and commented to will be able to see your name on their pages regularly and when people constantly see you, they would most likely follow your page in the coming days.
· Sharing and liking other people's content will keep you abreast about what's new and what are the latest trends in the industry that you are into. It could help you innovate and develop better posts that could really encourage more people to follow your social media profile.
Cite Other Companies
If you want your business or brand to be more noticed in social media sites, appropriately link to other company's profile when you mention them on your posts. And in turn these companies that you have made mention of and linked to will even share the comments to their own sites making you more exposed to their own audiences; this will then escalate the number of you followers dramatically. This works the same way when people reciprocate to your acknowledgements, companies do too.
Producing Relevant Content on a Regular Basis
People will be more interested to follow your page and share your posts when you have valuable and relevant content posted regularly. It's better to formulate a regular posting scheme with highly-optimised content. One of the best ways for people to remain in the minds of your followers is through constant presence through regular continuous content posting. People should see regular activities in your page otherwise they would lose interest in following you. The things you choose to post on your site would make a significant difference; make sure that when you post some advice, your followers would get what they have signed up for and make sure that all your posts would boost your brand or your business. Unrelated posts would not be too useful and it will only cause your followers to lose interest and would not promote your page anymore. Boost your business with an exceptionally powerful content.
Pay for Exposure
Having more exposure in social media by increasing the number of likes would be great for your business, but sometimes you would need to spend a little more to boost it a little more to broaden your horizons and widen your reach. The more people see your page, the more possibilities of having more followers and having more followers would lead to more sales and ultimately more gains. Paying to place ads will also further boost up your business and there is a plethora of opportunities to get your ads posted on pages you never knew that has ever existed.
Separate the Personal from the Professional Entity
We have mentioned to give your page a personal touch, but this is an entirely different thing. You shouldn't get too personal and put in too much of your personal views, preferences and opinions; because this would sometimes vex or bore your potential customers and even you existing clients; and personal posts should be done on a separate social media account. Adhere to the topics that pertain to your business because this is what people follow you for.
Perform some Analytics to Measure your Success in Social Media
Every business has to track the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns even in social media. Measuring the success or downfall of the social media marketing strategy will be useful in developing new tactics for increasing the number of followers, although it doesn't just have to depend on the quantity but of the quality of the followers; it would be much better if there are well-targeted audience. The people who decide to follow your page will make a good addition to your email marketing list because they have initially shown interest in you brand or business. Monitor and track how many of these followers have actually visited your website through the links you have integrated in your posts; this is more valuable in determining the success of your social media campaigns.
Evoke Emotions
We sometime need to involve emotions particularly a stroke of a little humor; your posts would be more interesting when a dash of humour is incorporated and it will encourage more followers to share your content thereby making your profile available for more potential followers.
Know what your Audience Wants and What they are interested in
Do not just post what you think people would want to see and read because most of the time the things you think about may not be interesting to most people. Look into some analytics and try to search for things that most social media aficionados are interested in. Take a look at what's been trending and what types of posts get the most comments, shares or likes. Try to generate contents of the same type, but also take into consideration what your business is all about.
Post Blogs on Popular Sites with the same or related niche as your business
Contributing relevant and highly-optimised blog posts on popular niche sites and connecting them or linking them on your social media network profile will get more people interested to follow your page because it sends them a clear message that you do not just sell your brand, but you can share valuable information to all your followers. Having popular sites have your content posted on their site would establish business and brand credibility. More people clicking through the links in your blog post would mean more followers and this would really be good to your business as you are getting more people interested in your brand.
Generate network-specific landing pages
Creating a landing page on your business site for people who visit your social media page and linking the pages to your other social; media bios would be one of the best steps making more people aware about your brand. Although it would generate only marginal number of followers, it would help in driving more traffic on your business website and would definitely augment conversions.
Entice people with incentives
One of the best ways to attract the attention of most web visitors is by offering them with incentives if they follow your social media profile, like and share your posts. People are in the craze of what discounts, freebies and coupons they could get when they follow your page. This is a surefire way to encourage more people to follow you, but don't make the offers scammy and be true to all your offers. Make claiming of these incentives and offers easy otherwise people would lose interest and they would think that the offer is only a scam to get them to follow your page.
There are probably a hundred more ways to increase the number of followers for a business' social media page, but these are the proven effective ways that have been used by most successful businesses all over the world. Social media platforms are truly very popular venues to establish brand credibility and presence; and the dramatic increase in the number of reach would open up a pool of possibilities for sale and thereby revving up the business' revenue.
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By Christina Tan  |  Source