
Tuesday 18 July 2017

How Emily Earns $247 an Hour Doing Work That She Loves (The BEST Online Business... PERIOD!)

Q: What is the best home based or online marketing opportunity for Mom's, the recently laid off or folks who simply CAN'T find jobs that pay them what they're truly worth? Is there any way to earn a full time living from home... without doing anything weird, wacky, unethical or that sounds too good to be true? In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at the absolute EASIEST way to earn amazing money online, and to parlay your natural PASSION, and life purpose into a career that you love... serving others while building your brand, blog, business and bank account as well. Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below.
First, let's start with a quick overview of a recent reader, client and case study I participated on, with a relationship marketing coach named Emily.
While Emily calls herself a relationship marketing coach for business and branding reasons... all she REALLY does is help small entrepreneurs craft email marketing continuity campaigns in their local area.
The good news?
Emily has a very simple, very enviable and VERY easy to replicate online business where she offers coaching and consulting to other online entrepreneurs, primarily women... who are looking to build blogs and brands in her local community. (which is a small city in Texas)
Her speciality is email marketing and automation, and she helps professionals create a 5-7 personalised email sequence that sells whatever it is that that particular business owner and entrepreneur wants to sell.
(her clients range from WAHM types and small time affiliate marketers who are just getting started and don't know how to launch a list or relationship marketing campaign... to all sorts of local professionals, real estate agents, dietitians, finance pro's, credit counsellors and just about every type of service oriented business that needs to build RELATIONSHIPS to succeed)
The truth is, Emily charges a flat rate of $997 per client to start... and a small residual contingency commission on earnings generated on her "copy" converting. ( a very common arrangement in the online copy writing and conversion space)
The truth is, you do NOT need to do any of the above to do equally as well... or much better. You simply need to target a LOCAL market where you live that needs service... and then go out and aggressively pursue professional people who will benefit from your offers.
For example -
You can charge anywhere from $397 and UP to set up, install and design a blog for local professionals in your community... and literally, use professional templates, a little bit of curated content and have the whole thing done in 4 hours. (if you don't believe me, check Craigslist and the local classifieds in YOUR community for a week or two, and you'll see the same ads, over and over again... and see that many small home based entrepreneurs have MORE business where you live... than they can handle!)
The secret is to BUILD something. Take what you know and enjoy doing... develop and refine your gifts... and then share it with real world professionals in your local area for big profits.
The secret is THIS:
Stop thinking about blogging and AdSense sites, or affiliate marketing campaigns and online gimmicks.
It's much easier to sell SERVICES than it is to sell affiliate products. It's much easier to demonstrate value to others by offering tangible things, than guru home study courses, or eBooks and other hard to quantify intangibles.
Find REAL people who need REAL help and proactively approach them with high value services that demonstrate your abilities, and expertise.
By Ian Ross Hollander  |  Source

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