
Saturday 8 July 2017

Top 50 Reasons Why It's So Great to Work for Yourself!

Are you someone who would love to:
  • work for yourself?
  • be your own boss?
  • leave the rat race behind?
To paint you a beautiful masterpiece about working for yourself here is a list of the Top 50 reasons why being your own boss really is fantastic:
  1. Conduct your business with your ethics and values.
  2. Flexibility of your time to setting your own diary etc. Very liberating!
  3. Control how long a day you work - 12 hours, 10 hours, or 2 hours.
  4. The tax man's cut - all the money is yours!
  5. Save at least the equivalent of a working day in time, if not 2 days, by not commuting.
  6. Work becomes a passion rather than a chore.
  7. Work is a self-expression of yourself, you get to grow and expand authentically daily.
  8. No restrictions on income streams - you set the rules.
  9. Freedom to spend time with your children.
  10. Flexibility to spend quality time with my family.
  11. Full control over all work carried out.
  12. Work to your own timetable not somebody else's!!
  13. Flexibility - no staff management or office politics.
  14. Plan your own time and play to your strengths.
  15. Learn anything you want and only do what you want to do, when you want to do it!
  16. Manage your work day as best suits you.
  17. More time with family, more effective working.
  18. Conduct business my way without worrying about non client friendly targets and poor line managers.
  19. Less politics: One can't play politics with oneself!
  20. Control key decisions and make those decisions quickly whether they are right or wrong; you are responsible.
  21. You are in control. Take a day off if you fancy, however you hardly do!
  22. Flexibility is the best thing about being self-employed.
  23. Advances in technology mean all things are possible.
  24. Work in your PJs if you want and have a day off, just because.
  25. No guilt about having 5 cups of coffee before 11am.
  26. No one breathing over your shoulder.
  27. Choosing projects you WANT to do, not that you're TOLD to do.
  28. Working till midnight if the mood takes you!
  29. Having customers who become your ambassadors because they appreciate your passion for what you do.
  30. Being in control of your own destiny. Learning how to build a run a business based on your own skills.
  31. Learning how to do things you don't want to do, such as discipline, time management etc.
  32. No boss who tuts if you walk through the door at 9.05am and then continues to point at his watch.
  33. Work around the rest of my life and you don't need anybody else's say so.
  34. Choose when you want to work, walk the dog when you like, and being your own boss without middle management interfering.
  35. Don't have to "fit" corporate culture so you control your destiny.
  36. Make faster decisions. No need to report to numpties!
  37. There is nothing like the feeling of converting your idea into reality. It really is down to you and, although that can be scary at times, it's also hugely rewarding. I love being my own boss!
  38. Taking the day off at extremely short notice without having to ask for or seek permission.
  39. Being able to claim direct credit for all that you do, no co-workers in place to try to share some of your limelight
  40. Variable work days - no day is really ever the same.
  41. Work from anywhere with cloud computing.
  42. Gain more experience.
  43. Make more mistakes to learn from.
  44. Bank balance is directly affected by all that you do.
  45. Have a lifestyle rather than a 9 to 5 life.
  46. Your effort directly affects you rather than a boss above you.
  47. Meet more people on a regular basis.
  48. Gain more influence in your peer network.
  49. I love what I do every single day!
  50. I love building a career out of my hobby, to take and collect my kids from school, to spend afternoons with them and be there when they are sick.

By Gail Gibson  |  Source

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