
Saturday 25 March 2017

Message from the Universe: Thinking outside the box

"All deliberate change first comes from denying 
the logic that most gives you comfort."
Think OUTSIDE the box. We all seek comfort in things that we are familiar with, such as not pursuing something because it is unknown to us. We fear that unknown, fear of an outcome that we have no ultimate control. We then get complacent with what we have and do not progress. 

We keep doing the same thing over and over again so we avoid surprises. It might be helpful at first but you will eventually get tired of it. The same goes with insanity. You keep doing the same things over again and expecting different results. Doing the same as others will stop you from progressing and be something or someone different. Explore outside of your comfort level.
When looking at different options, you open your mind to different possibilities. What seems logic today might be looking totally illogical in a few days or month from now. Your perception of life will be different as you open your eyes to new opportunities. When being stuck in a cocoon, you get familiar with your environment and feel no change is needed because you are familiar with what is around you.

Butterflies break out of their cocoon and explore the world. This is what every human should do. Explore the unknown. Yes, it is scary, unforgiving at times but if you don't try, you will never know what you are missing out on. Focus on your goals and do everything it takes to make things happen and never give up, no matter what.
By Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC   |   Source

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