
Monday 27 March 2017

How to make money online by doing nothing at all

Is it really possible to make money online by doing nothing at all? It's not a strange question. After all, there are a ton of online marketers that claim they have the "secret" system that will allow you to do very little work, or no work at all by simply plugging in their system and pressing go. So, when I hear students of mine ask the question, " how can I make money doing nothing?" Well, the shocking answer is - you can't. Even if you just bought the "magic pill", you've still got to take it. Even if you bought the magic pill, you've still got to put it in your mouth, get some water, and drink it. It still takes some effort. It just doesn't magically happen because you've got it. You have to put in the time and effort to make money online. So that's one important point I want to share. You've got to take action in order to see results.
Many people new to online marketing sometimes are not aware of the intricacies involved in having a profitable online business. Why should they? After all, so many people are tooting the next best thing or the newest product that will make you rich, without you having to put in the hours and hours of work that it normally takes most people to start an online business. As long as you have the money to spend, they're happy to sell you their latest and greatest product. But the thing you need to realize is that nothing happens overnight.
Typically, the way that it pretty much works is you have a site, you drive traffic to the site, and it creates some kind of an outcome. I'm a big email marketer and one of the best decisions that I have ever made initially when I started online, was to put up my first opt-in page in 2001.

In order to be serious about building an online business and making a
comfortable living from it, you need to build an opt-in page to capture
the names and email addresses of your visitors.

This opt-in page is meant to collect data and information from those individuals who visit your website. So, if you can drive traffic to your website and collect data about those people, you're then able to market to them, over and over again. You can do this with any niche or market. So, if you want the secret, that's the "magic formula" that I personally believe and have grown to know over the years having been online for so long. As long as you have the drive and can put in the time and effort it takes to plan, strategize and take action, you should have no problem succeeding online.
There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future.
By Matt Bacak

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