
Wednesday 29 November 2017

DO NOT Tell Anyone You Are Doing This!

Isn’t it interesting to see how people react to things.
I once stood in a pub with my friends and was telling them about the profit from some shares I had sold.
Within minutes the conversation had been changed to how
their brother, Uncle, Father, wife, friend had lost money trading shares...
Amazing right?
Here I am showing them profit - something working...
Yet, they must convince themselves it doesn't work!
Get back to your comfort zone!!
I've made this mistake a few times, but generally I don't do
this amongst friends or in certain circles.
Where success doesn't go down very well!!

==> Learn more
Does that make sense?
Here's another example...
Have you ever told your friends or family that you're starting
an online business, or you've bought another system?
I did. And everyone immediately started to talk me out of it!
In fact, they thought I was crazy when I quit my job.
Crazy, right?
I bet the reaction you would get would be similar. They try to
talk you out of it...
And this is the advice that I always give:
DO NOT tell anyone you're doing this.
Work with someone that's been there and done it. Ask them
the questions that you have... and only them.
DO NOT allow any negativity or questions from those that
don't understand...
Most people have no idea that you can work from home all
day and in 30 mins online make more than most people earn in a month. No clue!
But you do. You know it's possible... and you also know that
I'm using a system right now that will enable YOU to do it...

And you can get started right now as well.
I'll see you on the inside.

Andrew Brown

Monday 27 November 2017

How To FAST START Your Online Business

When you want to learn something from a book do you read it because:

  1. You like the act of reading?

  1. You want the information?

Obviously the answer is B. And if you are like me… you want the information quickly.

I just bought an Audiobook to listen to in my car. ‘Psycho Cybernetics’ by Maxwell Maltz. A great book which explains how your attitude can influence your success.

Actually I didn’t buy the book. I bought the ‘condensed’ version of the book.

The full version cost $40 and plays for 12 hours 15 minutes. The condensed version cost $10 and plays for 57 minutes.

Double good… you get the information quicker AND cheaper!

That’s just how I am. Impatient I guess. I like to get results fast.

This is the beauty of the AIS System!

It is designed to get you through your training FAST, with the help of one of our talented coaches.

Then we hold your hand through the implementation of your Sales Funnel.
Actually ‘holding your hand’ is an understatement. We practically do it for you!

This is what you get when you FAST START:

  • Pre-written Lead Magnets for you to customise
  • A domain and email (we set this up for you)
  • A video marketing page - featuring you!
  • A video sales page
  • An email autoresponder pre-loaded with you first emails
  • A sales team to follow up your leads
  • A coach - for the life of your business
  • Access to our online training portal for life
  • Access to ‘Done For You’ traffic


  • High Ticket products to sell
  • High Commissions

The quicker you get set up, the quicker you start earning those commissions.

If this is making sense, and you want to know more…

See you on the inside!

Andrew Brown

Friday 24 November 2017

So How Does This System Work?

So here's the thing... The most common question that I get asked is...
"How does this work?"
And I'll be honest, it's not as easy as a lot of people make out!
Like a Swan gliding over the lake, there's a lot going on underneath the calmness of the surface...
The highlights you might see - the holidays, the lifestyle etc.
A lot of work that's gone before that. A LOT.
But when you get this right - when you have systems and the processes and automation in place - it just works...
And it works on AUTOPILOT.
Keep feeding the machine, let it run, monitor, bank the profits.
The systems automates a lot of what we do which means we make sales on autopilot.
We make sales when most people chase sales.
We then deliver products and services on autopilot as well.
This happens when most people spend their time delivering products and services.
And, for the most part, we put my marketing efforts on autopilot as well. Not fully. I monitor it every day to make sure it's still working.
But there you have it, in a nutshell.
The internet, systems and automation -  do things once and automate and outsource wherever you possibly can.
And it's a system like this that YOU need.
Get started with this system and to start putting your world on autopilot!

Get started now and we’ll see you on the inside...
Andrew Brown

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Are You Ready To Get Started?

We are now allowing you access to our training system for JUST £1. Yep, that's it.
To go through our course - to have a look around.
You get to go through the training steps and see the EXACT system being used to make millions online.
AND you'll be working with your very own personal coach as you go through the steps as well.
Which probably just triggers another question for you now as well...
"Why the heck would anyone want to give me this for JUST £1?..."
And it's a great question.
Because, quite frankly, it's CRAZY that we’re even doing this.
But here's why we are...
It's because right now, we're looking for people to work with - on a BRAND NEW project that we just launched in the last few months.
It's a project that we've been working on for a few years -
And it's now ready. Ready for YOU.
But there's a catch.
And you need to qualify in order to get access.
It's ok. You've passed so far...
But here's the thing.
We’re looking for serious people to work with.
And people that don't have time to read my emails, click on links or even commit to working with me...
...well, they're OUT.
It's a way of filtering out those that are NOT serious about this and it works really well.
Does that make sense?
You've read this far - you're serious.
And now, if you're REALLY serious about getting started with my system you'll take the next step...
You'll then reserve your place and get access to the steps
within the AIS System.
At each point in the process we're filtering people OUT you see.
We only want to work with serious people on this.
And if that's you - we'll see you on the inside.

Andrew Bown

Monday 20 November 2017

Is Your Income Capped?

For most people, their income is capped...
They are limited by the number of hours they can work, the amount of overtime they can do.
And, because of this, there's an invisible ceiling.
They can't earn any more - simply because they are limited on the number of hours in the day!
I realised this about myself.
In fact, I remember looking around the office I worked in one day and literally seeing myself in 2 years, 5 years, even 10 years time!
And it scared the £$!& out of me.
None of the people in that office had what I wanted, none of these people were even happy with life.
I simply had to do something about it...
And I did.
I started my search for other ways in which to make a living (to start with)... and then other ways in which to make that bigger and bigger.
Now I'm able to leverage systems and create income using the internet.
To make sales and commissions every single day...
You see, I was poor once. I did something about it.
In an age when you can buy a laptop for about £250 and get online anywhere... you have no excuses.
There's so much opportunity right now. To NOT take advantage is just crazy.
So much money to be made, so many opportunities and so many people already doing it.
From home, from their travels. Even 30,000 ft in the air!
It didn't come to me. I made it happen...
And right now, we’re looking for people to work with on a very specific system.
A system that's been 2 years in the making in fact.
So if you'd like to find out how you can remove any cap on your earnings...
I'll see you on the inside.

Andrew Brown