
Thursday 31 August 2017

LeadPages Tutorial - How To Use LeadPages to Create Beautiful Lead Captu...

LeadPages tutorial teaches you how to create a beautiful lead capture page/optin page in minutes. LeadPages is my #1 choice when it comes to creating lead capture pages, thanks to it's ease of use, beautiful design and speed of implementation... 

Watch how to create an awesome capture page in under 2 minutes...

If you are using (or thinking about using) email marketing and list building as part of your business, LeadPages is hands down your best option for lead capture creation.


Wednesday 30 August 2017

7 Buying Triggers For Email Marketing

No matter if you're selling products or services offline or online, your customers need to know, like and trust us before they buy. As a business you're building relationships with people and ultimately asking them to buy. However, this is a little more complicated online. There is little, if any, direct face-face contact with a potential customer.
Email marketing is still considered the most effective online marketing strategy but we still have the same emotions, bonding patterns, and trust acquisition methods online as we do offline.
Here are 7 buying triggers that you can use in your email marketing campaigns to build trust and relationships with your audience and convert subscribers into buyers.
1. Friendship
You can start off your email campaign with a welcoming message when somebody joins your email list. Thank the person for signing up and if you offered a free download, make sure you provide the download link in that first email.
2. Expertise
On your download page for your free report or gift your subscribers receive after joining your email list you can show your authority and expertise in your niche.
3. Consistency
Your email marketing needs have a consistent message. Basically, each email you send should agree with all the others. If you discuss a thought or idea in one email, don't change your opinion a few emails later.
4. Reciprocity
The 'Law of Reciprocity' says that when you get something of value, either digital or physical, without having to pay for it in some way, you generally feel like you are obligated to repay that person in some way.
5. Contrast
Show why you're the ideal expert for them. You can softly show them why the way it 'has always been done' or the way 'others do it' isn't best for them. This trigger needs to be used very carefully. The worst thing you want to do is push them away by attacking their beliefs, rather than re-educating them on a better way.
6. Reason Why
You might show why your new or fresh approach is best for your audience. If possible, you can use the rational argument that it 'used to work'but explain why it no longer works.
7. Hope
Show them what their life (or business, or health, whatever your niche is) can look like after working with you. This could be done by showing a client testimonial of someone who has achieved the result you promise.
You can write different emails specifically for the purpose of using each trigger. The order of using the triggers doesn't matter. Once you have identified what you will use for each trigger, you can order and reschedule the triggers so that it makes sense in your email campaign.
The people who have willingly given you their email address are your hottest prospects. They have given you their email address because they want to hear more from you. But if you're sending them boring or useless content, they will soon unsubscribe.
By Jon Allo  |  Source

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Let's Create Your Lead Magnet

We've tested lead magnets and found several consistent qualities of the really successful ones.
And while your lead magnet does not need hit the target for every one of these criteria, the more you can achieve, the better.
One Big Benefit
Your lead magnet should deliver one big thing to your subscribers, rather than a bunch of smaller things.
For example, instead of offering the big encyclopedia of internet marketing, you might offer the one breakthrough method that netted you $143,548 in 6 months, or the one traffic trick that sent 54,032 targeted visitors to your site last month.
The more specific your lead magnet promise is, the better. The promise should be compelling to the people you are targeting.
Notice in the examples above we didn't offer to show them how to make money - we offered to show them how we netted $143,548.
And we didn't offer a traffic method - we offered a method that drove 54,032 visitors in one month.
The End Result
Your readers are searching for a specific outcome. So the question is, does your lead magnet get them closer to achieving that result?
For example, if they're looking to get their child into college, you might offer a calculator that shows them how much they need to save each year, based on the child's current age.
Relationships Building
Your lead magnet should set you or your business up as the authority they can trust.
This is easy to do if you're giving them great content that solves an immediate problem they have.
Instant Gratification
Is your lead magnet delivered immediately? It should be.
They opt into your list, and the next page tells them to either download it or check their email for the download or access link.
High Perceived Value
While your lead magnet might only be a PDF or a video, the content itself should be immediately valuable to the new subscriber.
If it's something they would willingly pay for, then you know you've hit the mark.
Fast Consumption
Your lead magnet should be something that can be consumed in 20 minutes or less. Here's why:
When you set up your entire funnel, it will hopefully consist of a lead magnet, followed by a small (trip wire) offer for a low price.
If they take this trip wire offer, you'll immediately make your core offer.
If they take the core offer, you'll immediately offer your big ticket item.
For example, you offer a free lead magnet on one easy trick to curb procrastination.
You follow this up with a $7 eBook on 7 methods to get more done in less time.
Next is a $47 offer to forever curb procrastination in 30 days.
And finally you offer one-on-one coaching for $300 on how to use all this new found time to create a bigger, better, richer life.
Do you see why we want them to consume our lead magnet fast? We want them to use it, love it and want more. That way when we immediately offer more, they're ready to buy.
Delivering Your Lead Magnet
If you don't already have an email service such as Aweber or GetRepsonse, you'll need to do this now.
If you'd like to start for free, try Mailchimp. Their smaller plan is free and you won't pay until you upgrade later.
ConvertKit is a new email service to consider, and bloggers love it for how easy it is to initially set up as well as to segment your lists. Learn more about Convert Kit ==>here.
Your email service will provide opt-in boxes that you can place on your website in various places, as well as creating a landing page / squeeze page.
If you do have a website of your own, place your lead magnet in the sidebar, after each post, in the header or the Hello Bar,as well as a Pop-up Opt-in such as OptiMonk or OptinMonster.
By Nick James  |  Source

Monday 28 August 2017

Email Marketing - A Powerful Tool for Your Business (Part 3)

6 Tips to Make Your Email Marketing Campaigns Productive
It Should be Interesting
Make sure you have included lots of valuable information in all your messages. It should be in a way that captures your reader's interest. Avoid sending out sales pitches or making it only about you. Add information that is actually interesting and useful for your target audience. If your subscribers think that you send emails only with the aim of enhancing your sales, they will never feel special or valued and you will fail to stop them from hitting the delete button, or unsubscribing from your list. They will not bother giving a look to your email messages any more.
Provide a Visible Link for Unsubscribing
You might consider it as a negative approach, but it is in fact a positive one. Your readers feel comfortable when they feel that they have full control and are not being pressurized to do anything. Therefore, never forget to include a link for unsubscribing in your email. Trying to hide it or not providing any link will only earn you frustration and anger of your subscribers, leading you to achieve completely opposite results of what you want to achieve.
Ask for Feedback
Feedback from your audience is necessary to make your relationship with them stronger and to enhance your email marketing projects. Therefore, keep asking for opinions, suggestions or feedback from your readers. Another way to receive passive feedback is through email marketing programs that track information regarding the number of people opening up your emails, or clicking on the links present there. All such feedbacks are essential for you to continuously improving and engaging with your audience.
Targeting the Right People
It is important to target the right people to achieve fruitful results. If you keep sending your emails to wrong customers, you will achieve nothing but their aggression and annoyance. Targeting wrong audience is simple a wastage of time of both, you and the targeted people. It is better to put in your efforts and time in your campaigns targeting audience who is actually interested in hearing from you.
Try Making Your Email Messages Mobile Friendly
In this technological world, your customers now can access their email messages on their tablets or mobiles. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you format your emails correctly to ensure that you can read them easily.
Make Exclusive Offers Only for Your Mailing List Subscribers
You can show your gratitude to your subscribers by sending exclusive special offers, which is not available anywhere on your website. Such offers can be free delivery, discounts or any other deal that attract your customers encouraging them to buy from you.
By Rosie Price  |  Source

Sunday 27 August 2017

How To Make a Blog - Step by Step for Beginners!

Learn how to create a blog step by step for beginners! In this video I show you how to make a blog website using the same technology as fortune 500 companies. This will show you how to make a wordpress blog from scratch!

This will show you how to learn to blog and how to make money with the blog.

Saturday 26 August 2017

Email Marketing - A Powerful Tool for Your Business (Part 2)

Design a Newsletter
A perfect way to remain in touch with your email list is a newsletter. It gives you an ideal mix of updates, news, information and special offers about your business to develop engagement with the subscribers and enables them to know more about you. Newsletter is also a superb way of encouraging calls to action, may be with limited time offer.
The main purpose is to make available the relevant information, which your ideal clients want to read. However, you should be careful about not to make them bored. The information should be passionate and interesting.
Establish a Strong Bond with Your Subscribers
With the passage of time, your connection with your subscribers will grow. As it becomes stronger, the loyalty of your subscribers to your business increases and consequently, your business sales and profits get a boost. Your company will get new referrals, opportunities and mutually beneficial associations together with building new customer base.
Your Business Gets Repeat Business with Email List
If you do not use the internet world, you might go for placing an advertisement in your local newspaper or investing in flyers or using any other advertising media.
Here, you capture new customer only if a good number of people see your advertisement. However, an email list provides you the opportunity to bond and nurture with your subscribers and in the long run, you successfully form a base of loyal customers who like to purchase from you repeatedly.
Email marketing is undoubtedly one of the most effective tools for establishing a large core of new clients online apart from your regular local clients in your business.
If you realize how powerful it could be to send out emails, which result in gaining extra sales as well as leads, you will eventually be able to formulate a marketing campaign making your business more profitable than before.
Cheapest as well as Effective Advertising Technique
Nevertheless, email marketing is one of the lucrative ways for promoting any business. With the passage of time, you can form a mailing list with numerous potential customers who show deep interest in whatever you are offering by giving you their email address.
Communicating with your subscribers is absolutely free and each of your email results in huge sales.
Underestimating the Power of Email Marketing is a Mistake
Email marketing tool is neither dead nor obsolete. Email marketing provides you more control and access over the message. In fact, by giving their email address, subscribers actually permit you to contact them. This action reveals their interest in whatever you have to offer.
Through email marketing, you are provided with the opportunity to form a strong relationship with your subscribers. This relationship is the one that empowers you as people like doing business with people. Looking after your list properly means your subscribers will like you more and trust as well. Ultimately, you are provided with a much better opportunity of increasing sales than your competitors.
Now you have understood the power of email marketing, you can create and run campaigns yourself and continue to establish a stronger bond with your online customers.
Becoming successful in creating a winning email marketing campaign and establishing a relationship with your customers, is surely a big achievement of yours. This is because, you actually become successful in winning their trust and acquiring their email address is definitely a huge and a rewarding responsibility.
If you do it properly, you will see your business profits bar rise. If you do it badly, you will see your business sales to decrease and it may also damage your brand reputation.
By Rosie Price  |  Source

Part 3 published on 28th

Friday 25 August 2017

Convert Kit Tutorial: Overview of Stats

I'm going to show you around inside ConvertKit and why I love using it for email for my business.

Want to try out ConvertKit for yourself? Head here:

Thursday 24 August 2017

Email Marketing - A Powerful Tool for Your Business (Part 1)

One of the excellent ways to get connected and engaged with your clients is using social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. However, people claim that email marketing no longer remains effective and relevant because of the success of social media.
Stop listening to them, as these are just misconceptions. Email marketing is still alive and doing well as one of the most effective and powerful techniques of online marketing and being in touch with your clients.
Defining Email Marketing
Firstly, you must know what email marketing is, before moving towards the reasons explaining why it is so useful in business.
When a person visits your website and thinks of subscribing to your mailing list with the aim to keep in touch with you through email, it is known as email marketing. A mailing list like this is quite important if you are selling a service or product. Email marketing enables you to build customer loyalty, earn trust and promote brand awareness while encouraging your subscribers to purchase from you more often.
Email marketing has several benefits. Although, it is a great marketing tool however, unfortunately, it seems to possess a bad reputation with a few businesses, who fail to understand it fully.
Some companies are of the view that people immediately consider finding an email from a stranger and they delete it, thinking badly about their company.
This may be true to some extent, chiefly because businesses have failed to take the time for nurturing their list. Nevertheless, with responsible marketing, an email marketing campaign can be made to work exceptionally well for your business.
Email Marketing Against Social Media Marketing
As explained earlier, social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are superb ways to connect with both existing and potential clients. They are ideal platforms to go for word of mouth advertising, creating strong bond with your current audience and putting yourself in front of a new audience.
Both of these tools are necessary for your business. However, you cannot keep a check over who is seeing your updates or when they are seen.
Apart from this, you cannot control these connections fully, as social media sites like Twitter, Facebook keep making changes without notifying how they could affect the way you are connecting with your followers.
Social media sites do not provide you the opportunity to connect people one-on-one as you can connect through emails. Using email marketing, your promotional campaigns can be fine-tuned by you, while forming a list of people who show genuine interest in whatever you are offering.
With Twitter for example, your message is competing with hundreds or even thousands of other Tweets from companies promoting similar products or services to yours. The same is true on Facebook.
Even if you have a huge number of fans, they certainly are following other pages as well, which reduces your message's effect. The same thing is true about emails but by sending a personalized email, you can gain their attention as they would actually open and read your email. The distractions present on social networks including recent status updates, chat options and new photos are not there in email marketing.
For this reason, it is important for you to make an effort and transform your followers into your email-marketing list as soon as possible. Once it is done, you have full control and authority as they are in the list of YOUR contacts. You will lose them only if they choose to unsubscribe from your email list.
How Can You Make Your Social Network Followers to Subscribe Your List?
It is not at all difficult. You just have to provide them with the reason for joining you. For instance, offer them something for which they would not mind giving their email address is a good idea.
You could offer a how-to guide, special offer or an answer addressing a particular issue or problem that is bothering your audience, exclusive information or special type of voucher or discount, especially for all your email subscribers.
You must select something that is not only of real value to your email subscribers, but is also of interest to your target audience.
Such actions are not enough to keep your email list active and interested. To avoid losing these valuable connections, you are required to think how you can constantly deliver information that help them remain engaged and persuade them to open the email sent by you.
Consider Your Email Subscribers as Royalty
Customers visiting your offline business or contacting you over the phone, have high expectations that they will be treated rightly and in a special way. Undoubtedly, when you deal with your customers face-to-face, you get recognized for superb customer service and for offering an excellent buying experience. What you should do is, offer the same experience to your email marketing contacts.
When a person heads towards you by subscribing and trusting you with his/her email address, he is in fact conveying you that he likes whatever you are offering and wants to know you more.
Think of it this way, you have been invited by them into their inbox. Therefore, it is your responsibility that this relationship and trust should not be abused by the bombardment of your sales pitches that keep promoting your services and products. You must nurture your email list. Try to be helpful as well as informative and send news and offers, which you consider that they like to know about.
Do not consider your mailing list like a group of faceless names. Keep in mind your ideal customer and exchange thoughts with them one to one. This makes your emails more informative and personal, strengthening the bond with your target audience.
By Rosie Price  |  Source

Part 2 published on 26th!

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Big 3 Tools for Content Sharing

It's not exactly a hidden fact that the Internet has the ability to reach billions around the world. Websites and social media accounts have become a must for many brands looking for fame.
But for a website to gain some renown, it must first have quality content.
Content writing for websites is a well known line of work among freelancers and outsourcing companies. Many businesses hire these professionals to be their ghostwriters. This is because web writing deals with a wide range of jobs-- from blog posts, articles, and copywriting, among various others.
For a small price, these businesses can have content made in their name without going through the trouble of writing it themselves.
To maximize online exposure, however, the outsourcing team must promote their content through other platforms. Increasing site traffic through optimizing written content for SEO alone is not a feasible idea. It takes too much time and wastes the work put into writing content.
But outsourcers do not need to make costly expenses to maximize their content's reach. There are tools that are available to content marketers for free or a minimal fee, such as:
Social Media Management
This type of tools generally allows for the monitoring of social media channels. Marketers can schedule the time of posting for online content. They also provide analytics for the best time for posting on their pages, allowing users to maximize their content reach.
Most managers provide support for sites such as:
  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. LinkedIn
  4. Google+
  5. WordPress
  6. Instagram
  7. YouTube
Some of the current widely used tools are:
Hootsuite - currently the most popular management tool. This all-around tool has features such as
  • scheduling,
  • photo attaching,
  • link shortening, and
  • responding to content in Hootsuite
However, despite its widespread use, newcomers to Hootsuite may be overwhelmed by its dashboard and may find it unfriendly to users at first glance.
Buffer - specializes more in scheduling and publishing content compared to Hootsuite. It connects all social media profiles together for more streamlined scheduling. One significant difference between Buffer and Hootsuite is that Buffer does not allow its users to respond to comments on their posts.
IFTTT - allows automate sharing. For example, if a writer publishes a new article on their site, an update is automatically posted on the site of their choice. This can enhance both Hootsuite and Buffer experiences.
Sharing Button plugins
Sharing Button plugins are widgets that allow readers to immediately share any interesting posts they find onto their profiles.
It is a subtler way of promoting an article in contrast to posting updates on social media after every new created content.
Many share button plugins also have customization, share tracking, and mobile display optimization features.
Some of the most well-known and affordable plugins are:
  • ShareSumo
  • Social Warfare
  • Monarch
  • AddThis
  • ShareThis
Link Shorteners
Aside from their self-explanatory definition, most link shorteners also provide basic analytics. This allowing marketers to monitor which posts on social media have more impact than others. Some also have a monetization feature.
  • Bitly API - the most well known URL shortener, known for it bit,ly and extensions.
  • API - Features a monetization system, allowing marketers to earn money when users click on links. The downside to this is that the links look like spam.
  • Sniply - creates call-to-actions to shortened links (CTA), but the free version is limited to 1000 clicks per month only. It also does not feature conversion tracking.
  • Owly - Hootsuite's built-in link shortener, but has no other features aside from shortening URLs.
Many web writers can get by with using the free but limited features of these online promotional tools. But for those who are serious with pursuing content writing for websites, they may find investing in the paid versions to be worth their while.
By Donald Smithon  |  Source

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Four Blogging Strategies on How to Make Money Online Without Investment

Making money will be easy if you use blogging. Blogging is one of the simplest ways to make money online without investment. You just need to do work in a simple way with consistency. So, here are the most effective blogging strategies you can apply on your blog and make decent online money at home.
Blogging strategy # 1: Involve in PCC publishing or Affiliate Program
First, all of you have to involve in any PCC publishing or affiliate program, because both are most common and effective ways to make money from blogging. Google AdSense is most effective PCC publishing program, but if you are not accepted by Google then tries other AdSense alternatives like Chitika, Yahoo Publisher and many others. And the most popular affiliate program is run by ClickBank. Go to ClickBank and be an affiliate. If you are not familiar with PCC publishing and affiliate marketing then you have to learn about this. You might make money without knowing both programs.
Blogging Strategy # 2: Do some keyword research
Before writing and posting any article at your blog you have to research some keywords, because keywords are the searched words. If you know which keywords are in demand and less in competition, you will be able to write for hungry crowds. My favorite keyword tool is Google AdWord Keyword Tool. Go at this keyword tool and type your niche. You will get 50 to 100 results. Pick up some keywords which have 10,000 to 5,000 global search volumes. And try to write for those keywords. It will help to get higher rank at Google and more traffic.
Blogging Strategy # 3: Write for long tail keywords
Using long tail keywords is the most effective way to get more targeted audience. If you don't know what long tail keywords are, I suggest you to learn about it. For this, you just type 'The long Tail Keywords' on Google and it will bring up thousands of results.
Blogging Strategy # 4: Spread Your Back-links
It is one of the most important parts of blogging. Spreading back-links is the way to get higher page rank on search engines, because search engine robots find how popular your blog is. And if they find your blog has lots of back-links, they will rank you higher in their search pages. And finally you will get more search engine traffic.
Some effective ways to spread back-links are:
  • Write at least one article daily and submit to top 10 article directories with your back-links.
  • Go to Yahoo Answer and pick some questions related with your niche and start giving answers with your back-links.
  • Write some ads about your blog. Offer something free. And post those ads on top free classifieds like Craigslist, My space classified and many others.
One most important thing is left that you have to post articles at your blog daily, because search engines and people like fresh and updated blogs. Write some review about any product and give some useful suggestions. All of these do not require any investment and you will be able to make money online without investment at home.
By Alan Sahu  |  Source