
Tuesday 27 June 2017

How To Write A Lead Magnet Title

Headlines and titles might account for as much as 80% of your lead magnet's success rate.
Have you ever run across a lead magnet offer that sounded good, but... the title just didn't quite push you over the edge into giving your email address?
And have you ever seen a lead magnet title that had you racing to give your email address without even thinking about it?
Naturally your goal will be to get your prospects racing to fill out the opt-in form without giving it a second thought, because they want your lead magnet SO BAD and they can't believe you're giving it way for FREE.
If you have a lot of experience in writing subject lines, blog post titles and so forth, then you're ahead of the game on this.
If headline writing is new to you, you'll want to do some research on how to write a great headline.
Frankly, entire BOOKS can be written on this subject alone.
But if you look inside this month's newsletter, you'll find an article on how to quickly write great headlines using headline templates.
Example: Remember our promise to Professional women in their late 20's and 30's looking for the perfect guy - we promised to show them how to immediately filter out all the losers who will waste their time and find the hidden gems who will make excellent life partners.
Our headline might be, "Professional Gals Only: How to Find Your Perfect Guy without Wasting Time on Losers, Deadbeats and Jerks"
You might want to write several headlines and then whittle it down to 2 or 3 to test later.
Decide on what type of lead magnet you're going to create
The tough part is over.
You've chosen your market segment, made a promise and written a headline or two or three.
Now you're going to decide what format you'll use to deliver your lead magnet.
Remember you want to keep it simple. Play to your strengths and choose something that will be consumed quickly.
Here are the different types of lead magnets to choose from:
Report or Guide
This could be just a few pages in PDF format. It's the most common type of lead magnet and a great way to convey information with precision.
Cheat Sheet, Mindmaps and Blueprints
These are generally short, just one or two pages, and get straight to the point.
Resource List
There are times when this works really well. It could be a list of resources for buying products, getting things done and whatever works. The key is that the information is valuable to the end user.
Curated Guide
This can be all the best articles on a very specific topic, or a list of articles that guides a person through a process. And you don't even have to write the articles yourself.
Case Study
This can be delivered in PDF format, video, etc. The key is you're showing how someone was able to accomplish a certain task, what they did and the results they got.
This can be a short training, a case study, a really good story that teaches something... frankly, you're only limited by your imagination and the promise you made to your prospects.
Coupon or Free Shipping
If you have a retail store, you might consider giving a discount to new customers, or offering free shipping in exchange for their email address.
Quizzes and Assessment Tests
Give away a free quiz that tells something about the person taking it, and then collect the email address in exchange for the results.
You can give away a piece of software (assuming you have the rights) as your lead magnet. Done correctly, this can be a great way to get exactly the leads/subscribers you're looking for. For example, if you want to attract bloggers, you could give away a WordPress plugin that does something awesome for blogs.
Software Free Trial
If you're selling software as a service, then a free trial is a great way to introduce that software to exactly the people most likely to buy it. And you'll sell a lot more copies, too, by first giving away a free trial.
Choose which type of lead magnet you're going to create, and we'll move on to the next step.
By Nick James  |  Source

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